Page 28 of Flawless Prize
He pulls away, his eyes heavy and dark with lust as he gazes at my breasts. His big hands rove up my thighs. “Oh? What part?”
“Actually… All of it,” I admit. “I was distracted, if you remember.”
He chuckles back and nips at my ear. “All right. Tutorial.” He winds a loose strand of hair around his finger. “Prince Tamino is saved from a terrible serpent…” His hands trail up my sides. “By the three ladies who are mistresses of the Queen of the Night…”
“Queen of the Night?” I gasp as his mouth meets the hollow of my throat.
He gets busy lavishing attention on my collarbone, so the whole explanation goes out the window. Not that I mind. At all. What he’s doing to my body is so much more interesting.
So interesting, in fact, that before I know it, we arrive in front of his apartment building. Reluctantly, I pull away and, when the driver opens the door, step out onto the curb.
“So what was with that bird man?” I ask as we step into the elevator.
“Papageno?” He presses the button for the penthouse and pulls me flush against him, as if he can’t get enough of me into his system. “Do you really want to talk about that?”
“No,” I whisper, because I won’t remember anything he says, anyway. I can’t think of anything but him. He feels too good. We tumble out of the elevator, and Caleb fumbles for his keys.
“You better be naked in five seconds,” he warns me, throwing open the door.
“And you better be inside me,” I tell him, reaching for the ties around my neck.
But he stops, his expression darkening. “Don’t.”
“What?” I pause, confused. He’s looking around, sniffing the air.
“Do you smell that?”
“What are you talking about.”
“Gas,” he says grimly, yanking me back into the hall. “We’ve got to get out. Now!”