Page 66 of Flawless Prize
I don’t give him the time to find a space at the curb. I throw the door open, then rush down the block, lungs bursting when I reach his apartment building.
Inside, I shout breathlessly at the doorman, “Is Caleb here?”
“Yes, ma’am,” the man says, looking confused as I barrel for the elevators.
“Call the police!” I order, jabbing the elevator button. “Have them come here. now!”
The doors open and I rocket inside. I watch the numbers above the door climb, visions of Caleb, in trouble, rushing through my head.
He could be hurt. He could be needing me.
What is Olivia capable of?
I curse myself for this stupid plan. We were all so worried about me… We didn’t think about him. And while I know Caleb can usually handle himself, this isn’t usual. His defenses will be down.
He wouldn’t see her coming.
When the elevator doors part, I race for his door.
It’s locked.
I’m about to hammer on it when I manage to stop. I don’t know what’s inside, but I do know that I have the element of surprise right now, so instead, I fumble in my purse for the spare key. I twist it in the lock, pushing open the door.
There’s darkness. All the lights are off, and there’s no sign of life inside.
My heart stops. I want to call his name, but I force myself to take a silent step across the threshold.
Please be OK, Caleb. Please come strolling out of the bedroom and tell me everything’s fine and hand me a glass of wine so we can laugh about how paranoid I am.
But he doesn’t.
I slowly let my eyes adjust to the dim. Moonlight filters through the floor-to-ceiling windows, illuminating the white granite surface of the kitchen counters.
And then I see them, sitting on the island:
His keys and phone.
Caleb’s here.
But why are all the lights off? Why would he be silent, in the dark alone.
Something’s happened.
I take another step, and hear the smallest of noises somewhere in the apartment. Nothing more than the swish of fabric in the night.
I whirl to face the dark hallway. At the end of the hall, Caleb’s bedroom door is ajar.
I blink, trying to make out any motion there. But then I hear another scraping sound.
I creep to the end of the hallway, my heart beating a wild rhythm in my chest. If he’s here… And he’s not responding… Something is very wrong.
But I can’t turn back, now. If he’s in danger, I have to help him.
Palms slick with sweat, I reach out to push the bedroom door the rest of the way. The creaking is so loud, it makes me wince.
At first, all I see is his bed, made. His housekeeper has definitely been here. There’s a jacket thrown on the end, the way he always does when he comes home.
But other than that, the room is empty.
Then the sound comes again. Behind me.
From his office.
Stiffening, I backtrack and push open that door. There’s no window in here, so it’s too dark to see. I fumble on the wall for a light. I find it, and suddenly, the room floods with a bright glow.
Illuminating Caleb, slumped in the chair.
His eyes are closed.
And there’s blood trickling down from his temple.