Page 21 of Ruthless Heart
As soon asI get outside, I run. Even in my heels, I’m able to move at a fast clip for three blocks before my feet are aching and there’s a stitch in my side.
This is what I get for skipping the gym.
I don’t know what to do now. I didn’t think this through. I have no money, no place to stay, and I’m wearing a fancy-ass cocktail dress and heels. I don’t even have a cell phone.
But I’ve committed to running away now.
So, I keep to the shadows as best as I can, trying not to draw too much attention to myself. Soon, the streets blur, and I lose track of the neighborhood. The buildings turn industrial, the further I head away from the ritzy party address, and there are fewer people on the streets.
What have I done?
With every block, my panic grows. Nero is definitely going to come after me, and he’ll be furious if he finds me.
All I can do is hope I stay one step ahead. I have a head start, after all; maybe five minutes before he figures I’m gone—more if that blonde he was flirting with keeps him occupied. Besides, how will he find me? It’s a big city, and even I don’t know where I’m heading, so I can’t see how he’d be able to track me down.
Still, my fear is working against me. My footsteps slow, stumbling in my heels, and I find myself flinching at every passing car and shadow. I can’t shake the certainty that my impulsive decision to flee is going to get me killed.
Where do I go from here?
“Well, well, well… What do we have here?”
The voice seemed to come out of nowhere and I stop in my tracks. Another stupid move.
I’m beside a dark alley and as I look around, two men emerge from the shadows. I know now that I should have run as soon as I heard someone speak, but it’s too late. They stroll closer, blocking me in on either side.
“You lost, sweetheart?” One asks, his eyes raking over me.
“Course she’s lost,” the other replies, before I can say anything. “Fancy lady like this, all on her own. Where’re you heading? We’ll set you in the right direction.”
I swallow hard, painfully aware of my plunging gown and the diamonds at my throat. Why didn’t I grab a coat on the way out? I’m practically screaming ‘easy target’ here.
“Thanks, but I’m fine,” I lie, edging backwards. “I’m meeting some friends.”
“Oh yeah?” one of the guys moves closer. “Are they as pretty as you?”
My pulse kicks with fear. “I really should be going,” I try to sound firm. “Goodnight.”
I try to walk past them, but they move to block my path.
“Aww, what’s the hurry?” One of them reaches out and touches the diamonds at my neck. I recoil from the feel of his fingers on my neck, and his smile drops. “Too good to be seen with us, is that it?”
My heart pounds against my ribcage as I back up until I collide with a brick wall. The faint white illumination coming from a streetlight at the end of the alley is just enough to let me see the wicked intent on their faces.
I think fast. “You can have the necklace,” I blurt, reaching to fumble with the clasp. “Please, I just need to go,”
They exchange a chuckle. “That’s mighty generous, sweetheart. But I think you’ve got some other goodies worth trying on for size.”
He reaches for me again, but suddenly, we’re all bathed in bright light. I turn my head to see the limousine pull to a stop, its headlights shining on us, blinding me.
Nero gets out.
I exhale in a whoosh, relief washing over me. Because faced with a choice between the devil I know and the one I don’t, I’ll take the devil in a formal tux any day.