Page 74 of Ruthless Heart
I meet his eyes, warning. “Are the guys saying that?” I ask, my voice like ice. “Or you?”
Chase seems to realize his mistake. We might be friends, but I’m still the boss around here.
“Hey, I just thought you should know,” he says, holding his hands up. “I’ve got your back, but that bitch… She’s getting to be a problem.”
“That bitch is the key to taking this whole organization legit,” I ground out. “We close this deal, and it’s a whole new ballgame. No more turf wars leaving bodies in the street. No more bullshit from the Feds, or guys risking their necks every time they go to meet a shipment. You want to talk to me about this organization?” I add, getting to my feet. “About family? Everything I do is for that reason. Everything.”
Chase looks away. “Yeah, well… I don’t trust her, is all.”
“It’s not your place to question my priorities. You do what I tell you, and that means leaving Lily the fuck alone, unless I tell you otherwise.”
“Yes, boss.”
Chase leaves without another word, and I sit back, thinking about what he just said. Not the part about Lily, because hell if I know whether I can trust her either, but about the rumors swirling.
Because as much as I hate to admit it, he’s got a point. My place at the top of this empire depends on two things: Fear, and reward. I’ve been so focused on securing the kind of cash that would make our dirty dealings pale in comparison that I’ve neglected the other part of my role. To rule the Barretti activities with an iron fist, so that nobody even thinks about fucking with us. Rival gangs, local cops, officials, business partners, my own damn crew… The list goes on.
If any one of them questions me, or senses any weakness…
They won’t hesitate to stab me in the back—or put a bullet in my head. My name may have gotten me the crown when my father went to jail, but it hasn’t kept me on the throne this long. No, that’s all my own doing.
Which means one wrong move on my part can bring about my undoing, too.
“You look like hell.”
I look up. Avery’s in the doorway, dressed casual as usual in dark jeans and heavy boots, with a fuck-you smirk on her face. “It’s one of those days,” I sigh, relieved to find a friendly face and not more guys looking to pick a fight. “What’s up?”
“You said you had some paperwork for me to sign?”
“Oh. Right.”
I gesture her in and find the file. “Renewal on the liquor license here, and that new place we’re opening on tenth avenue.”
“Another spot in my booming nightlife empire?” Avery asks, teasing. “Lucky me. I’ll be on the Forbes list soon at this rate.”
She sits and doesn’t even glance the documents before signing at the tabbed pages. It’s all just a front. Sure, the bars make decent money, but they’re also cash businesses: The perfect way to launder our not-so-clean money and have it come out sparkling new.
“Done and done.” Avery slides the pages back to me. “Does this mean I’m getting a raise?”
I snort. “Don’t push it.”
I file the papers away carefully. I learned from my dad’s imprisonment just how important it was to keep accurate financial records for those businesses. That was how the FBI ended up getting him behind bars in the end. Just like Al Capone. Tax evasion—and testimony about all his dodgy financial dealings, courtesy of Lily’s father.
So, after Roman got sent away, I overhauled. everything. New lawyers, new accountants—ones I could trust. And new names for the liquor board, too. Technically, Avery owns the clubs and bars that really belong to the organization—thanks to her squeaky clean record. Back in the day, her mom did the same for Roman.
“Look at us,” Avery says with a smirk, going to pour us a couple of glasses of whisky from my bar in the corner. “Following in our parents’ footsteps.”
“They’d be so proud,” I agree dryly, taking a glass.
“What’s the word from old Roman?” she asks, sitting down and kicking her boots up on the corner of my desk. “You been by to see him yet this month?”
I shake my head. “Busy,” I reply shortly.
Avery gives me a look. “I bet he wouldn’t be thrilled to head there’s a Fordham hanging around… Still breathing.”
I sigh. That’s exactly the damn reason I haven’t gone to pay my usual respects.
Because I know exactly what my father would say about Lily.