Page 87 of Ruthless Heart
Paranoia? Maybe. But that’s the life I’m looking at, another sixty years of checking the shadows and watching the door.
“I’ll have to think about it,” I tell them. “It’s a big risk.”
Agent Greggs rises and shows me to the door.
“Listen, Lily. I know that things weren’t great for you after your dad turned on Barretti, but I don’t want you to focus on that. Think about what the right thing to do is. Think about whether or not you feel safe around him. Trusting us is a risk— but we both know, trusting Nero is a bigger one.”
I gulp. “I’ll let you know soon,” I promise.
“Don’t wait too long,” Greggs warns me. “We’re moving on Nero soon, with or without your testimony. And if you’re still at his side when we do… I won’t be able to get you out.”
I hurry away from the room, moving blindly back to the main halls. I hoped this meeting would give me some clarity, but it’s more confusing than ever. I’m trapped between a rock and a hard place.
What do you do when there’s no good way out?
I sigh. Maybe the answer is neither of them. Hell, maybe the best way out is just to disappear on my own, and pray to God that neither of them find me. I’d be running, but Teddy could stay where he is, and if Nero’s deal comes through, he won’t have the time or patience to come after me.
It’s a pipe dream, I know, and even with my mind set on leaving, my heart still gives a traitorous ache at the idea of walking away from Nero.
But I’ll do what I have to in order to survive.
This time, I’ll need a plan. I can’t just bolt and expect it to work out for me. I’ll need ID, money, a way to get out. My mind is already racing as
“I’ll have to think about it,” I say, but I’ve already made my decision.
I think Greggs can tell that it’s a no, but he nods anyway.
“Fine. I’ll be in touch in a few days.”
Getting out of his chair, he comes around the table. I stand and he holds his hand out to me. I take it, expecting a quick shake, but he sandwiches my hand between two of his and meets my eyes.
Great. He’s still trying to connect with me.
This guy doesn’t give up easily.
“Listen, Lily. I know that things weren’t great for you after your dad turned on Barretti, but I don’t want you to focus on that. Think about what the right thing to do is. Think about whether or not you feel safe around him. Can you trust him?”
He keeps holding onto my hand, as if he expects an actual answer, but I don’t give him one. I simply yank my hand away as I open the door and take a step backward.
“You’ve given me plenty to think about already. Thanks.”
I head for the exit, and my phone buzzes in my pocket.
It’s Nero.
I want you on your knees for me.
My pulse kicks, despite everything.
I’m playing it smart, I tell myself, to excuse the desire in my bloodstream. I need time to get this plan of mine together, so I need to act like nothing’s changed. Like I trust him. If I don’t respond to him sexually now, he’ll ask questions.
Questions I don’t have answers to.
At least, that’s how I justify it, as I meet his driver and head over to the club.
I’ll allow myself to enjoy the pleasure that only Nero can give me. To surrender to him as many times as I can until morning. It’ll give me the memories I need to carry on.
Then, once his vote goes through, I’ll be gone, and he can go back to hating me.