Page 53 of Nox (Wolves Incarnate 1)
Fran tilted her head at Nox. “It’s a good van, replaced the radiator when it came in, the timing belt. Transmission is good. Rides smooth, and for the size engine, it has the mileage, could be worse.”
No frills, no sales pitch. Nox liked her even more.
“What about reliable?”
“Every car I sell has a thirty-day guarantee. It breaks down, you can bring it back for a refund or a free repair, whichever you prefer.”
“Miles per gallon?”
“If he keeps it under the speed limit, twenty. Like I said, not great.”
Luca raised his eyebrows.
There were other cars on the lot that could go a lot farther on a tank of gas. But there were few things less conspicuous than a van.
The price on the window read five thousand. “Will you take four?”
“A thousand off?” Fran shook her head. “I’ll admit you’re a good-looking man, but no one’s that good-looking.”
Luca hid a laugh behind his hand.
“Four and a half, and I’ll pay cash.” Now he had Fran’s attention.
She looked at Luca. “Your old man always try to cheat little old ladies out of their retirement?” She didn’t wait for him to answer before turning back to Nox. “Deal. You need time to go to the bank?”
Nox pulled out the cash. “Nope.” He counted out the money, and Fran invited them to meet her in the office in five minutes to do the paperwork.
“What about tags?” Luca gave the van a once over.
“Dealer’s plate is good for thirty days. It’s unlikely we’ll want to keep it longer than that.”
“And insurance?”
“If we’re in a wreck, the least of our worries is getting sued.”
Fran disappeared inside the building. “Do I really look that young?” Luca put his hands in his pockets.
“I think the better question to ask is do I really look that old?”
Luca shook his head. “Not a day over forty.”
“Watch it, I’ll have to ground you.” Nox laughed, and so did Luca.
Nox drove the truck, and Luca drove the van. When Nox took a side road, he stopped a mile in and told Luca to wait while he got rid of the truck.
Luca cut the engine and made himself comfortable in the driver’s seat. After a half-hour, he fought the urge to go looking for Nox. Just when Luca was about to open the door, Nox came out of the woods. Mud covered his sweatpants from the knees down.
“What happened?” Luca moved to the passenger seat when Nox opened the driver’s side door.
“Truck didn’t want to go quietly. It got stuck in the mud on the way down to the pond.”
“There’s a pond back there?”
“Yeah. I thought it would be the best place to lose the truck. Could be years before anyone finds it.”
“I don’t know what bothers me more, the fact you drowned my truck or that you knew there was a pond back there.” And how did he know? “Did you smell it too?”