Page 39 of The Politician
“What are you trying to say?”
“I’m saying go and watch him. Break him out of whatever it is he feels he’s trapped in and make him see his own true power. He’s no submissive. Maybe you are.”
Eli thought Brett had gone crazy living where he lived, or at least saw all people in terms of dominant and submissive. Sin Esperanza had changed him, made him jaded to the real world outside those stone walls.
Still, his curiosity was piqued to such an extent, he was shaking with anxiety to see Lee in the confines of that seductive place. “Is there a way to watch Lee without him knowing I’m there?”
“Sure. I can dress you like a Master.”
“There are no two-way mirrors or anything?”
Brett chuckled and took his hand, leading him to yet another one of the corridors. “Not where he is, no.”
Eli was ensconced to a room and three slaves and Brett started taking off his clothes, getting him to try others on, others made of thick leather. He was pushed on a bed, pants yanked off him, a jock pushed up, and the more he protested, the more leather they stuffed him into.
Brett laughed, but that would soon end when the big ginger walked through the door, growling loudly, “What’s all this shit?”
The slaves all got to their knees while Brett’s eyes got round as dinner plates. “Hi, babe!”
“Babe, now. Nice, Brett. What are you doing to this Master?”
“He’s not a Master, per se…”
Eli ripped the leather mask off his face, taking a couple gulps of air. “It’s me. The new guy.”
“Brett…” He was glaring at his husband. “What the fuck are you sticking your nose in now?”
“Nothing, my love. Eli, our guest, you know, a guest that we cater to, he wants to watch our other guest, but not be seen himself.”
Ryan’s eyes landed on him. “Is that true, Eli?”
“Mostly, yes…sir?”
“Master, and actually, High Master. Well, finish getting him ready, slaves, and Brett, you’re in for it later.”
Eli felt terrible, but Brett obviously didn’t mind being in trouble, judging from the way he licked over his lips and wiggled. “Mmm. Yes, High Master,” Brett hummed at his husband.
As soon as delicious Dom Ryan was gone, Brett shook like he got a sudden chill and got back to work on him. “He is all bark and just enough bite to make me come like a volcano,” he admitted to Eli when Eli tried to apologize.
“He’s…well, he’s…”
“Hot, I know. Half the slaves fall for him about three minutes after they arrive and most of the submissive guests have tried to take him from me. Our relationship has been tested by fire, though, and we’re in it for the long haul.”
“That’s really beautiful…I think. I mean, isn’t it hard having a relationship here?”
“It’s been a challenge, but my cousin saw us and knew deep down we could handle it. So far, we’ve only fought a few times, and only once over this place. A new slave went crazy for him, and he wasn’t listening to my warning. The slave took him hostage.”
“What? That’s insane!”
“It was, but I told you we had great healthcare. The slave went on to get well and find his own guy, and they come here twice a year for some fun.”
Eli couldn’t believe it, but he guessed that people that enjoyed things like that. He’d never thought that way, and in fact, wasn’t thrilled with being covered with leather. “Do all your Masters or whatever, they dress like this?”
“No. Some, sure, but not all.”
Brett pulled him in front of a mirror, and if he didn’t know it was a mirror and that was him, he’d have never recognized himself. “Wow. I look…”