Page 73 of The Politician
They got to the cabin, and it was nothing like he expected. If was a one-story log cabin with one regular sized door, regular paned windows, and a normal cabin-like porch. He got out, smelling the clean air, feeling the cool on his arms and sighed heavily. “This is heaven.”
“Nice, right? I guess it’s good to get back to simpler things.”
“This is simple and I fucking love it.”
Lee came up beside him to look at the cabin and whispered, “I’d live here full time if I could. There’s internet, but it’s not strong. I don’t think we’ll use it, but it’s here, and the cell service isn’t great but, in an emergency, you can find a signal, if you move around some.”
“Good to know, in case you are bringing me here to try to kill me for knowing your dirty secrets.”
Lee laughed at him, and again, it was not weighed down with worry. “Eli, you are my dirty little secret.”
Eli laughed and grabbed his hand, like they were a real couple. That weekend, maybe he could pretend they were. “Well, let’s get to the dirty part, shall we?”
Lee grabbed his ass and then kissed him hard, then led him to the porch. After opening the door, he went inside and grimaced. “My Mother.”
The inside was nothing like the exterior. Sheetrock on the walls, making them smooth and seamless, painted white, a fireplace that was rock, but the rock had been polished glossy, and the hearth was light brick.
The furniture wasn’t rugged, had no plaid upholstery, like he’d pictured. It was beige leather, suede to be exact, and the pillows were plentiful and checkered black. A rug that looked to be cowhide was under the oak coffee table and there was artwork on the walls that looked expensive. Who was he kidding? If Lee’s mother decorated, it was expensive.
Lee was behind him, holding him as he took it in, from the beautiful living room to the loft above. “Thought this had one floor?”
“You can’t stand up in there. It used to be my bedroom when I was a kid. Now it’s just pillows and cushions.”
Lee spun Eli around and searched his face. “Are you okay?”
Was it goodbye? It felt like it. “Nothing. Just a long trip.”
“There’s a really narrow shower in the bathroom. We won’t have any shared showers, but…”
“I’ll go get ready. You…set up the bedroom.”
“Can you still…?”
“Yeah. I’m going to need a lot of sex.”
Lee’s smile grew but it wasn’t as bright as it should be. There was a veil of sadness around Lee that scared him, but he’d vowed not to think of that. He wanted only to be with the man and see if what was in his heart was real.
Lee was right. The shower was only wide enough for two. It was tiled and had a great showerhead that gave just the perfect amount of pressure, but it was small.
Halfway through the shower, Lee entered the bathroom, peeking in the curtain at Eli. “What’s taking you so long?”
“I’m…cleaning up for the sex.”
“Oh! Okay. I’ll leave you to it. Just…hurry, yeah? I don’t want to waste any time.”
Another hit, another hint that the vacation was much more than time for themselves.
“No, of course not. I’ll be right out.”
After he finished the shower, he got a towel around his waist and left the bathroom, butterflies in his stomach as to what he might find. The bedroom was right across the short hall, and he went into it to see Lee on the bed, shirt off, bared feet crossed. Even the cheesy smile on his face told Eli that he was ready for sex, but not ready for all that came after it.
“Towel? Fuck that towel.”
Eli laughed silently, unhooking the corner of the towel so it fell the ground. “Better?”
“Oh, much. Now, turn around, so I can look at your ass for a while.”