Page 104 of Never Hide Again
The After
Sitting on the couch, it's just like old times, only sweeter. The heavy hand of comfort I'm well acquainted with pats my knee in reassurance. After all this time, it's hard to believe we're reunited, talking like nothing’s changed.
“So you're sticking with Olivia?” Grandpa removes his hand and brings it to a rest on his rounded belly. A wry smile crinkles up the corners of his eyes with my nod. “I never expected it to fit so well.”
“I didn't either,” I say, folding my legs underneath me. “But after all these years, Vivian sounds foreign.” My gaze flits to the kitchen where Grant disappeared to moments ago, and I duck my head, smiling sheepishly. “Plus, Grant has only ever known me by Olivia. He’s made the name mean something to me.”
Weathered and wiry brows raise. “Ah, Grant.” He relaxes his shoulder blades into the sofa. “Your port in a storm.”
I tilt my head. “My what?”
“Your protector.” Thin lips curl up in a gentle smile. “With someone like him around, you won't need me.”
“That's certainly not true.” I reach out and give his forearm a reaffirming squeeze. “You'll always be my number one.”
Perhaps it's my imagination, but I swear wetness makes his eyes gleam as he blinks. His gaze, more cloudy than clear these days, falls to the tiled floor.
“Vivie, I'm sorry.” My heart wants to crack when a tear trickles out, slowly streaking down his weathered face. “When I sent you away, I was trying to protect you. I see now I did the wrong thing.” He shakes his head. “I should have been there for you. I should have...” His voice gives out, and his eyes close in sorrow.
Shit.Now I'm crying because seeing this man cry is utterly devastating. All I want to do is console. “Grandpa, no.”
My hands reach for him in desperation, but my touch is tentative and light as I brush his shoulder. “Don't blame yourself. You did nothing wrong but kept me safe.” A dull ache forms in my chest, and I shake my head. “We did it, Grandpa. We beat Lonnie.” I pat his hand, squeezing it firmly. “You were the one who got me out of there alive. I owe you everything.”
“Thanks, sweetie.” A smile tugs at his mouth, and my heart blooms. “You’re right, we did beat him.”
Sweetie.Grandpa's never used this word before. I open my mouth to speak, but I'm cut off.
“Vivie.” He reaches out and grabs my hand. For once, the connection is firm. “I regret not saying it before, but I will say it now.” Green eyes lock onto mine. “I love you, sweetie, and I'm proud of you. Proud of you for making something of yourself when I'm sure it would have been easier to give up. I'm honored to have you as my granddaughter.”
My heart swells with abundant happiness. “Oh, Grandpa.” I shuffle across the couch and wrap my arms around him for a tight hug.
To my full delight, he returns my hug, and a tender silence falls over both of us. We go teary-eyed, a few sniffles occurring as we hold our positions, and I think to myself that I do cry over one other person.
Just Grandpa and Grant. No one else.
I blame our hug; it’s our first shared one. And I determine this will not be our last. Not if I can help it.
My eyes close in euphoria as Grandpa holds me in his arms.
Life is complete. Everything that was once stolen has been returned, and I’m never, ever going to let another precious moment go to waste.
Because at the end of it all, life is too short to live in the shadows of unknown fear, and words are far too precious to leave them unspoken.
I have a lot of catching up to do.
With as much time as I've wasted, my love and appreciation for friends and family will no longer be something I bury. I'll announce my feelings from the rooftops if I have to, and protect everyone who means something to me.
My arms tighten around Grandpa's middle, and I smile, uttering the words I’ve wanted to tell him for years. “I love you too.”