Page 21 of Never Hide Again
No one.
Fucking no one.
A shakiness hits my voice as I speak through prickling eyes and make the only plea I can. “If I trust you enough to be my friend, then trust me enough to know which parts of my past shouldn’t be mentioned.”
The hardness in her features breaks. It starts with her jawline, morphing her tight lips into a sad smile. “All right, Liv.” She takes a step back.
A strain hits the kitchen. It lingers thick in the air. Soon it’s filtering into my fingertips, and I scrape them opposingly against my palms. I pause when she chuckles softly.
“Pretty sad, though, you think I'm normal. You need to get out more.”
I duck my head, laughing as the suffocating climate dissolves. “You and me both. Why you’re friends with me, I’m not sure.”
“Tell me about it.” She winks and exits into my living area.
The neon digits on my stove draw my eye. Upon catching the time, I notice how late it is. There’s no time for tea. We need to leave soon. Abandoning the teapot, I go to the living room and fetch my purse off the couch.
“What’s the big man got planned for you today?” she asks.
“We're meeting with a Mr. Franz for dinner tonight.” I sling the thin strap over my shoulder.
“Franz … Sounds foreign.”
“Well, aren't you smart,” I tease. “He's German.”
“Oooh.” Golden eyes light up with intrigue as we head out the front door. “I hear Europeans know what they’re doing. Let me know if he’s hot.”
“I'll be sure to report.”
We step outside. I tug on the handle to make sure it’s locked, then head to work.