Page 97 of Never Hide Again
Chapter 46
“Olivia.” I rouse to Grant, cradling me in his arms, my body nestled into his warm chest, his heart thumping against me. “Olivia, darling. Please. Please wake up.”
Overhead lights of the penthouse hall blind me as my eyes flutter open, then Grant comes into view. My heart stills at the sight.
Deep azure eyes are damp with unfallen tears. A tenderness sets his gaze aglow as my sight settles on his. His mouth hitches up, and he sighs, stroking my hair.
“Thank God.“ A firm kiss connects with my hairline, and his nose buries in the crown of my scalp. “I thought you hit your head when you fainted.”
A smile breaks out across my face as I remember the final moment before everything went dark. “You yelled.”
“Of course, I yelled.” He brushes over my cheek, brows quirking up at my strange observation. “I thought I was going to lose you. Fucking idiots. This is why I don’t like hiring security. Lonnie never would have made it half that far if it’d been just me.”
“I know.” I sigh in contentment and stroke his cheek. Then, noise distracts me a few feet away, and it’s not just one noise, but several.
I squint from the bright lights overhead and tuck my nose into Grant’s shoulder. Two-way radios going off, the team of men moving and talking in the background. It's too much, and I can feel my soul in the verge of a spiral.
I want to cry, but I won’t if we get the hell out of here. Crying now would be a waste anyway. It’s all over.
“Get me out of here.”
“Say no more.” He stands on command, holding me in his arms. “We’re leaving now.”
He walks into the elevator after it opens, and I catch a peek of what’s been left behind.
There's a cloth draping over an object on the floor. Unmistakably a body … the body of Lonnie. And beneath it? A thick, dark smear of red, trailing and pooling on the beige marble.
He’s dead.
Lonnie Grey is finally dead, and as Grant carries me into the elevator, I sense the wings of freedom bursting from my back, and I think I could touch the sky.
The nightmares are finally over.
Now I just need to know where freedom leads—hopefully to a permanent spot in our dark heaven.