Page 57 of Untamed
“You don’t remember?”
She shook her head. “I remember going to the club. I remember Smith.” She rubbed her temples. “My head is killing me. I remember Antony being there, and everything else is fuzzy snippets of chatter. His ex talked to me.”
“Yeah, she showed up here. She was at the club and saw what happened. They arrested her for assaulting one of the security people.” He leaned over and grabbed her hand. “Antony’s been here with you. He stayed the night. You’ve talked.”
“I hate this feeling.”
“I bet you do. I would. Give it some time. Your memory might come back or it might not. The good news is nothing happened to you.”
“Where did he go?” Lesley leaned back against her pillow.
“Smith is AWOL. He had to go process his room.”
“No one else could do that?”
“Are you telling me you don’t want me here?” Oliver smiled at her and shook her hand around a little.
The corner of Lesley’s mouth quirked up a little. “You’re fine. I just don’t understand why someone else couldn’t do that.”
“Because they’re a small team with a mountain of shit to do, Les. I went over there to drop off those files and that place was a nightmare with all the evidence boxes. There is no one else to go through his room because they’re spread thin.”
“I know. I’m being selfish.”
“No, you’re ill. And you want your man.”
A beep sounded on Oliver’s phone. “Damnit. And now I have to go. I have a meeting they wouldn’t let me out of.”
“About this shit?”
“Yep.” He shuffled his papers and laptop into his briefcase. “I’ll stop off at the desk and tell you’re flying solo for a little bit. You’ll be okay, yeah?”
“I’ll be fine. Go, help fix this.”
He dropped a kiss on her forehead. “I’ll call you after the meeting.”
About thirty seconds after Oliver walked out the door, Lesley was having herself a full on, snot bubble, ugly cry. The kind nurse, Belva, came in without a word and placed a box of Kleenex in her lap.
“I’m being stupid,” Lesley exclaimed between sobs. “Why is this happening?”
“Oh, honey. It’s not you, it’s the poison in your system. You’ll be right as rain soon,” Belva said, patting the young woman on the arm. “You just take your time here and let it all out. Call me if you need anything. I’m right outside the door.” As she left, she pulled the door until it barely open to allow for some privacy. Lesley was so touched by the gesture, she broke out into fresh sobs.
The rational part of her brain screamed at her. Everything was all wrong. Antony had to do his job. He’d be back. But a small voice in the back of her head told her he would dump her, that he was through with her. That voice that was coming through the loudest, despite everything. That voice sounded like Victoria. Victoria was back, and she wanted Antony. She would marry him. Lesley sobbed harder, trying to listen to the rational side. She knew him. He was there for her. It couldn’t be true.
Belva walked in without a word, carrying a small tray with a steaming mug. “Here’s a nice mug of cocoa for you,” she said. She looked down at Lesley and clucked her tongue. “Oh, honey. Do you need a hug?”
Lesley shook her head and wailed. Belva half sat down on the edge of the bed, gathering the weeping mess of a woman into her arms. While she slowly rocked her, the doctor poked his head around the corner, smiling when he saw the woman. They made eye contact, and the doctor held up a hand, raising his eyebrows. “Five minutes?” he asked silently.
She nodded, and he disappeared. “Shhhhh. It’s okay. Here soon, you’ll be just fine,” Belva murmured. “Your man will be back, and tomorrow, you’ll go on home.”
Lesley burst out between sobs, “He doesn’t want me!”
“What? No, child. I’ve seen him with you. That man is over the moon,” the nurse said.
“But his ex is back,” Lesley sobbed. “She’s going to take him away!” She hated the words coming out of her mouth, and that little voice in the back of her head told her she was being stupid, but the fuzzy memories of Victoria talking wouldn’t stop sounding in her mind.
Belva sat back and held Lesley by the shoulders. “Young lady, are you talking about that vile woman who was here last night?” At the look of shock on Lesley’s face, she continued, “Mmhmm. You probably don’t remember. Real peach, that one. She went to jail for messing with you and the guards. Yes, she did.” She wiped a tear from Lesley’s cheek with her thumb. “Your man was beside himself. No, honey, she’s nothing to you, and she’s really nothing to him. Don’t give her anymore time in your head.” She stood then, after giving Lesley one more squeeze. “Now, drink your cocoa. You’ll feel better. I’m going to go let the doctor know he can come see you. He’s waiting.”
Lesley dried her eyes and sipped at her cocoa while waiting for the doctor to arrive. As the chocolate smoothed over her tongue and throat, she calmed down. Belva was right, of course, but the worries in her stomach kept turning over and over. Things weren’t going to get better any time soon.