Page 23 of No More Hiding
“I guess he lives a few blocks away or something,” she said.
“I wonder if it’s by me or in the other direction,” Hannah said.
“No clue,” she said. “I didn’t ask specifics.”
“Considering what he looked like when he came in, my guess is he doesn’t get out much. Poor dog must hate always being in the house,” Cat said.
“It was a puppy. An adorable one that his mother bought him to get him out of the house.”
“I’m not sure if that is funny or sweet,” Cat said.
“I can’t decide either. Anyway, Sammie, the puppy, knocked the hat off my head and I forgot to put it on. It was hot out and the puppy was resting while I got some water for Brent and me. We talked for a few minutes.”
“Was he hitting on you?” Cat asked all excited. “Were you hitting on him?” Her voice was loud enough that Jenna heard it when she came back from the kitchen where she’d gone for a snack.
“Is Vivian crushing on a guy?” Jenna asked.
Just great. “No,” she said firmly.
“The caveman from over a week ago lives by Vivian. He was walking his dog yesterday and they stopped to talk. A puppy,” Blair said.
So much for thinking this would be kept quiet.
“Ohhhh, a puppy. Definitely chick magnet. I didn’t think you’d be someone to fall for that,” Jenna said.
“I didn’t fall for anything. Oh my Lord, this is getting out of hand. He was walking and recognized me after his puppy—"
“Sammie,” Cat interrupted.
“After Sammie knocked into me. Then we talked. End of story.”
“But you don’t want it to be the end of the story, do you?” Jenna asked all but dancing in place. She was so young and childlike at times.
“I don’t even know where he lives,” she said.
“You know his name. You know the area. Check the tax records,” Hannah said.
“Why would she do that?” Jenna asked.
“Because anyone that owns a house is on public record, Jenna. She can find his address that way,” Blair said. “Or maybe check in with Ruby Turner. She knows most that bought houses in Paradise Place.”
“If he owns the house,” Jenna said. “He could be renting.”
“I’m not asking anyone about him. If I want to know more, I’ll be mature and talk to him myself.”
“Always the voice of reason and straight shooter,” Cat said. “Best way to do it too. No games. No fuss. Now you need to find him to do that.”
“I didn’t say I wanted to find him,” she argued.
“You didn’t have to,” Cat said. “It’s written all over your face that you wouldn’t mind running into him again.”
There was no use lying about that either. Or adding she’d seen him in the store the week before. If she supplied that information, they’d never get off her case today.
“Then there isn’t more to say, is there,” she said, walking in the back.
No, she wasn’t going to look into him because she wouldn’t do anything to anyone that she wouldn’t want done to her.
If it was meant, then it was.