Page 34 of No More Hiding
“Point taken. Well, Vivian is about as opposite as you can get. She talks to people all day long. She looks good. She takes care of herself.”
“She is all of those things I could see,” Rob said. “Not sure how you managed to catch her eye unless she felt sorry for you.”
“Ass,” he told his best friend.
“It’s the dog. Chicks dig men with dogs.”
“I knew her before I got Sammie.”
“But she didn’t talk to you as much then, did she?”
“I probably scared her looking the way I did when I walked into her shop,” he admitted.
Rob snorted. “True.”
“And there were other people around. I wanted to get out from under all those eyes.”
“Like always.”
“I do my best work without the pressure of people around,” he said.
“You’re full of reasons. Damn, normally you aren’t on your game when you are woken up.”
“But I’m still sleeping, aren’t I?” he asked.
“Nothing gets by you,” Rob said. “So what is the next step? You’re not going to blow her off, are you?”
“No. I don’t know the next move though. This is where you would come in.”
“Which is why I’m here,” he said. “And I need to remind you tonotlook into her. I know you wanted to. I saw you hesitating on your computer when your work was done. There is one place in life you don’t hesitate and that is in front of a keyboard.”
Again, those closest to him knew him well. “I only wanted to know more about her.”
“Which is what a date is for,” Rob said. “You didn’t even kiss her.”
“It wasn’t a date,” he argued.
Sure, he realized when he was walking home with Sammie that he might have blown it. He’d stood up and absently given her his number and then walked to the front of her house and away.
But it’s not like she followed him either.
He wasn’t the type to yank her close and plaster his mouth to hers...though he wanted to.
He’d probably trip them both up with Sammie standing between them.
Or that was the reasoning he was using for losing an opportunity to make a move. Excuses, as Rob said.
“When a woman cooks you dinner, it’s a date,” Rob said.
“But it was spur of the moment,” he said.
“Was it really? She seems like she is pretty straightforward. You got talking and she wasn’t letting you leave. She made the first move. You blew the second.”
“I didn’t blow it,” he said. Or did he?
“You will if you don’t reach out to her soon and set up another date.”
“Fine,” he said. “I’ll text her in a few days.”