Page 59 of No More Hiding
Feeling Like A Kid
Over a month later, Vivian pulled into Brent’s driveway.
Things seemed to be going well for them. Better than she’d figured it would. She didn’t have relationships often and many might think the two of them were night and day, but they were making the best of it.
She worked a lot, and he did too. They tried to get lunch now and again during the week but mainly kept their time for Friday and Saturday nights, sometimes Sundays.
She’d been spending the past few Saturday nights at his house, then going home before noon on Sunday to do chores. With it being the fall now, at least mowing the lawn was over with.
Today she’d finished with her last appointment at one.
Normally she didn’t leave early like this, but that was before she had someone or something in her life outside of work.
But today they were having their first real outing, in her mind. Dinner out a few times didn’t really count. Yes, she knew he was a hermit, or as she was affectionately saying...a homebody.
Brent obviously would go out more if she’d asked, but after she’d met his family she realized that he’d never wanted to do that so she didn’t push.
When he suggested they go apple picking today and visit an orchard, she’d jumped on it. It was the first time he’d suggested a date like this.
She went to the front door, knocked and walked in. She wouldn’t do that if he didn’t know she was on the way. He liked his privacy and she honored that.
She might have found it strange about his Batman phone call but brushed it off. He didn’t bring it up after, but he’d worked a lot for a few days and then that was the end of it. They were back to their normal talking, mainly at night.
“Hi, Sammie,” she said, bending down to pet the dog that charged her at the door. “It smells like lemons in here.”
“I just dusted.”
She grinned. “It’s strong.”
“Yeah, I thought if I put it on the wood floors in the spare rooms that maybe the dust wouldn’t build as much.”
She laughed. “You’ll have to let me know how that works.”
“It makes the floors slick,” he said, laughing. “Sammie did a spread eagle and spin like you’d see on a cartoon when she came running in. Now she won’t go in there at all.”
“Good thing she didn’t do that in another room or she might not want to enter it again.”
“I was thinking the same thing which is why I wouldn’t do it in the living room or I’d be carrying her everywhere. She’s a lot heavier than she was before.”
Sammie was growing into her legs now but still had some more to go, she was guessing.
“Are we ready?” she asked. “Don’t laugh, but this is the first time I’ve been apple picking. Even to an orchard.”
“Really?” he asked. “Never in Chicago?”
“No,” she said. “It wasn’t something I did when I was with my grandparents. At that point, I was trying to get through.”
“Your mother never brought you?” he asked.
“No,” she said. She wasn’t going to add that apple picking in LA wasn’t much of a thing. Not that she knew of and it wasn’t something her mother would be interested in. Her mother didn’t do anything that she could pay someone for. That even meant making a cup of coffee, so picking an apple off the tree...yeah, not happening.
And it’s not like she could say that either because Brent had no idea she’d lived half her life in LA to begin with and she had no intention of volunteering that.
“We went when I was a kid a few times. This is probably corny, but if you’ve never been apple picking, they’ve got hayrides too. Probably never been on them either?”
“No. That sounds like a lot of fun.”