Page 66 of No More Hiding
“That’s a big change like me.”
“There are a few girls working here that have lived here their whole life. Maybe they can help you when they are free. Or give you some answers?”
“No, that’s fine,” Courtney said. “I’m just trying to get a handle on things. Build my client base and so on. My bosses want me to expand this into a bigger business and maybe get some investors in the wine industries. I feel like all I’ve done is rub elbows with the rich and famous in California for the wineries I worked or consulted at. I’m kind of over that type of person if it makes sense.”
All she heard was money and investors.
Maybe it was the guilt of the secret she had about her past and her father, but she was finding it hard to focus.
She pulled herself together as best she could. “Do you just want a trim?”
“Yeah, that works.”
When Courtney left forty minutes later, Vivian was wondering if there was more going on.
Someone who travels the country and knew a lot of people in California and is now here in Colonie. Was there a chance that she knew her father? No, Courtney would have been too young to have run into him back then. But she surely knew people that did lose their businesses and their wealth in her father’s schemes.
She’d have to find out more at some point but wasn’t sure how she could. Now she was worried about Brenda sending someone here and if her nosy neighbor would host another party to try to find out what was discovered.
Then she worried that this documentary could bring out who she was when she was finally happy.
She couldn’t take it any longer.
“Jenna, I need to run home quickly. I don’t have another appointment for two hours, but I’ll be back then.”
“Okay,” Jenna said. “Everything alright? You look a little pale. Or is that hottie you’re making time with wearing you out? Are you pregnant?”
“Stop,” she said, laughing. “No, I’m not pregnant.”
“But you didn’t deny he is wearing you out.”
“We’d have to see more of each other for that to happen.”
“Oh,” Jenna said. “Are things not going well? I thought when you told us you went to the orchard and had a day out they were going great.”
“Everything is great with Brent,” she said quickly. “You’re reading more into things.”
Jenna nodded as Vivian dashed out the door and drove home.
The first thing she did was pull out her laptop and do some research on her father and the businesses hit the hardest. There were a lot of wineries, but she couldn’t find anything when she cross-referenced Courtney Miller.
Once she was satisfied, she went to her safe and pulled out the business card of her grandfather’s lawyer. The attorney that had taken care of her name change for her years ago had semi-retired, but his son and grandson were now running the firm.
She called Ted Maynard. The last time she talked to him was at the reading of her grandfather’s will. He’d assured her her identity was still secure all these years later. His grandfather had connections and it was done through the proper channels. She didn’t have a work history so there was no worrying about lapses in tax filings anywhere. It worked in her favor when it came down to it and the documents were sealed after a judge agreed due to the high-profile case of her father.
“Maynard and Sons.”
“Hello, this is Vivian Getman. I was wondering if Ted was available.”
“I’m not sure, but I’ll check.”
She waited on hold for a solid minute, then Ted picked up. “Vivian, how are you doing?”
“Good, great. Thanks for taking my call.”
“You wouldn’t call if you were good or great, which is why I took it. What is going on? A problem with your grandfather’s estate?”
“No. This has to do with my father.”