Page 78 of No More Hiding
It reminded her of Brent. He said he didn’t often see the things right in front of his face, but something told her that might not always be the case. That he was more aware than he let on.
Maybe he played people like she did too. A scary thought for two people who loved each other and she wondered if he was hiding facts like she was.
“I am spending time with Brent. Normally we stay at his house on the weekends, but tonight he is going to spend the night at my house. It’s going to be tight sleeping quarters with Sammie on the bed, but we’ll make due.”
“That’s so sweet,” Jenna said. “You should get a bigger bed. And why don’t you want to stay at his house?”
“He didn’t decorate for the holidays or put a tree up. He says he never has. I do. I know it’s only me, but I’ve always done it. It’s nice to have some of my grandparents’ decorations up to remember them.”
“That’s so sweet,” Jenna said again. “Do you miss them?”
“Of course she does,” Hannah says.
“I’m sorry,” Jenna said. “That’s a stupid question. You’ve said they’d all but raised you. I guess you don’t talk about them like I do my grandparents. You talk about them like I do my parents.”
“You’ve got a great relationship with your parents,” she said. “Not everyone does. Treasure it, because it won’t always be there.”
“I know. They still like to tell me what to do all the time, but it’s fine. They mean well. And I get it,” Jenna said. “I forget sometimes about your mother. So I’m sorry if I’m ever insensitive.”
“You’re not and it’s fine. I’d never been as close to my mother as you are with yours. Again, you don’t realize how lucky you’ve got it.”
Clients came in right after and they got to end this topic.
Cat walked in with a big red Santa hat on over her green hair. She’d changed it two weeks ago in honor of the holiday and was already hating on it.
“I can’t wait to get rid of this green next week,” Cat said when they were both working on clients.
“I think the only reason you hate it is because Jenna told you that it was the same color as The Grinch.”
Cat frowned. “Maybe. Either way, it’s not very flattering, but it’s so much work and I know it will drive my mother nuts. It’s worth it for that reason alone.”
“That isn’t very nice,” she said. “You should have been here earlier when we were telling Jenna how lucky she was to have the relationship she did with her parents.”
“I love my mother. We’ve got a great relationship. But it’s fun to watch her roll her eyes and point her finger at me when I show up with funky colors. You’d think she’d be used to it by now.”
“I think it’s more a game you both like to play,” she said instead.
“You’re probably right. She was thrilled when I moved here. I think she thought it’d calm me down,” Cat said.
“I think you did calm down from what you’ve told me in the past.”
“I have,” Cat said. “She doesn’t always get that how I look isn’t a reflection of how I act.”
“You should tell her that,” she said.
“Oh, I have. Again, another one of our games.”
“Maybe she thinks it’s a game to you too and that is why she always brings it up?”
“Could be. Either way, I’ll have a good time this weekend and then come home and need the break away. You’re going to Brent’s parents’ again? That’s what, two holidays in a row with them. Getting cozy.”
“I’m not so sure about cozy, but yes, we are going there in the morning for a few hours. If he didn’t go, he’d probably stay home and work and his mother would come and get him. Or bring the holiday to him.”
“Was he always like that?” Cat asked.
“No. Or I don’t think so.” She hadn’t talked much about Brent to Cat or any of the girls, but figured it wouldn’t hurt to share this. It wasn’t a secret. “His sister died when she was sixteen of cancer. His twin.”
“Oh,” Cat said. “That’s horrible.”