Page 81 of No More Hiding
“When did that happen?” he asked. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because you do enough on the computer and I don’t need you doing this. It was a few days ago. I was reading the news and it froze again. I had to hard reboot it and the screen is black.”
“Let me look at it,” he said.
“It’s not a big deal. There isn’t much on it. I only use it for reading the news and shopping.”
“But if I can fix it why would you pay someone?” he said.
She let out a sigh and went to her office. “You have ten minutes to see if you can do it. You aren’t going to spend the time doing it while you’re here,” she said. “We don’t get a lot of time together and I’d rather not have you wasting it playing on the computer.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Ten minutes later, he knew he’d need more time. He could get it going again, but he’d need his computer to look a few things up. No use getting on her bad side. As she said, she didn’t need it now.
“Can’t fix it?” she asked.
“I can but need more time.”
She took it out of his hands and brought it back to her office. “Then not tonight. What movie did you want to watch?”
“Your night, your choice,” he said, moving over to make room for her.
As much asVivian wanted her computer fixed, she didn’t want Brent spending the whole night dealing with it.
Not only that, she had no way to delete her history before it crashed. It’s not like it crashed on a site about her father, but she had been researching him again.
She didn’t like that the documentary was going through and there were several actors and actresses that were going to speak on it. A lot of people who lost their businesses too.
Ted hadn’t called her and he’d said he would if there was anything she had to be worried about. That he was on top of it too. No one had to be looking for her or reaching out.
She was safe. She’d been told enough times.
There wasn’t anything anyone could do to her. Nothing they could take of hers. Other than the life she’d made for herself.
The last thing she wanted to do was leave or run.
She liked where she was. She liked the place she was in.
Not only in location but in her personal life too.
What she had with Brent was more than she’d thought she’d ever get. More than she dreamed of.
He wasn’t the perfect man in many people’s eyes. He wasn’t the perfect man in her eyes.
But so many thought her father was perfect and look how wrong that was!
“I forgot to tell you when I was getting pizza that I can’t get over the gossip in a town this size.”
“About what?” she asked.
“I tried not to pay attention. It’s not like I know anyone here but you and your coworkers. There was talk about restaurants and the staff that others seemed to know about. None of that means anything to me. Then someone mentioned an alpaca farm in the area. I think they might have been drunk after that statement.
She laughed. “I’m sure there are a lot of things in this town you don’t know about because you never talk to anyone other than me. I’ve heard it all from one person or another. If not from Jenna or Hannah.”
“You’re probably right. I like it better this way. It’s easier living in the dark.”
“Is it?” she asked. She was wondering that for herself as much as she was for him.