Page 28 of Fat Omega
She laughs, and the sound goes straight to my cock. “I just thought you might… intimidate them.”
My lips curl up in a rueful smile. “If they’re intimidated by the man who’s supposed to keep you comfortable, then are they really alpha enough for you, sweetheart?”
The final alarm sounds, and Arlo gives a thumbs up, telling us that we’re on air.
Haven swallows hard and squares her shoulders. “Ok, I’m ready. Where are these assholes?”
Arlo chuckles. The two of them are so damned adorable. It makes me want to take them both, one at a time, while the other one watches. Or maybe I could watch them together, and tell them what I want them to do. They can fuck each other while I bite them both. Make them Pack.
…Where the fuck did that thought come from?
The doorbell rings. “Show time,” Haven says softly.
Fuck, I need to snap out of it. I’m not gonna taste either of them. I’m never going to sink my teeth into their flesh as I sink my cock into their bodies. Because if I do that, if I make us Pack, then they’ll have to put up with my ass forever. I’m a convicted felon with no high school diploma. Both Haven and Arlo deserve much better than that.
If only I could convince my body that we don’t belong together, we’d all be better off.
Haven reaches the door and looks back at me as if she wants permission to open it. There’s a thrill in that; the way she looks to me as her alpha. I give her a quick nod, and she twists the knob.
And then the door swings open, and I can feel my body tensing, my possessive instincts rising.
“Hello,” Haven says, her voice demure.
“Hey honey,” a casual, nasal voice replies.
My pulse kicks up as three alphas stride through the doorway, each bigger than the one before. I could take them, I think savagely. If I had to, I could kill all of them.
The thought is comforting, especially as they sit on the couch, their eyes glittering as they watch Haven move to a seat across from them, her pink skirt rustling as she moves.
“This is Reese,” she says with a gesture.
I offer them a perfunctory nod, which they return.
“And in the corner is Arlo, but don’t look at him. He doesn’t like it when people look at the camera.”
All three men immediately shift in their seats and turn to look at Arlo, who sighs and says, “Don’t look at the camera,” in a fatigued voice.
The alphas turn their attention back to Haven, not that they seem to think it’s a chore. My eyes narrow as I stare at each of them in turn. The one in the center is the biggest, and clearly the pack leader. His hair is long and white-blond, flying all over the place as if he has purposely decided not to brush it. He has bushy blond eyebrows, and a smirk that implies what he would like to do to my omega.
Not mine, I remind myself, but I can protect her as if she were Pack. I may be a feral piece of shit, but I can watch out for Haven until she finds someone suitable.
These assholes arenotsuitable.
The other two are no more acceptable than the one in the center. One of them keeps touching his nose as if he wants to get to his next fix. His leg is bouncing as he sits, as if he can’t wait for this to be over. And the one on the other side… his eyes darken as he stares at Haven, and I swear I can see him thinking about how he wants to hurt her.
I growl loudly at the thought, and go to step forward, only to have Haven jump to her feet and press her hand into my chest.
“It’s ok, Reese,” she says quietly. “I think I’m safe enough right now.”
I hesitate before stepping away from her. Though it kills me, I walk around the sofa and stand behind it, behind Haven, my arms crossed over my chest.
Haven sighs as if resigned, and then sits down with her back to me, crossing her ankles and folding her hands in her lap. The alphas watch her hungrily.
“I’m so glad to meet all of you,” she says. “Thank you for coming.”
The leader grunts, and leans forward in his seat. “Happy to be here, sweetheart. Has anyone ever told you that you smell fucking incredible? I would eat that pussy for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.”
Chapter Thirteen