Page 6 of The Second Alpha Heir
Everyone we passed lowered their heads, showing their respect. We made our way out of the hospital building, going to the packhouse. Even though winter surged on, the morning happened to be warm. I figured that we would make our way to the sparing field since I was out of the hospital and today was a sparing day. I couldn’t hear anyone down at the arenas as we got closer to the packhouse; the perfume of the many different scents of the wolves seeped out of the cracks.
What’s going on?
Sarge tilted his head, his ears forward. Seems they’re having a meeting.
I rolled my eyes, and Sawyer gave me a questionable look. I just shrugged at him and kept walking.
Note to self—use internal eye roll.
When we entered the packhouse, I understood why the many different scents seeped from the doors. We all went into the dining hall and made our way to the front; I tried to turn down a row and sit down when Beta Adam grabbed my shoulder and pushed me to continue forward. Standing in front of a vast crowd and looking out at them made me nervous. However, Archer was good at this; he could stand in front of whoever and be calm. I could feel the sadness start to take over me, but I sensed Sarge and knew I would be okay. The Beta made me stand beside Sawyer, and they stood in the middle in front of the entire pack.
“As you all know, there was an attack from what we thought were rogues. These wolves were not; they were from another pack. We must keep a good watch on our borders and our pups. As of right now, no pups are to be out without supervision. I urge you all to be diligent and to report any sighting of any strange wolves,” the Alpha communicated to his pack. “I want to thank the Beta, my son, and Nolen for fighting off five of the wolves. Killing them all to help protect the pack. You both proved that Beta Adam has trained you well, and each of your packs will be in great hands in the future.”
The wolves in the dining room hollered and cheered, others wolf-whistled. Sawyer took it all in stride, but me? I couldn’t seem to look them in the face. I glanced over at Beta Adam as he stood there, his arms crossed over his chest.
The Alpha smiled as he looked upon us. I finally looked around and noticed that Amora hid behind her mother’s skirts again. She continued to stare at me, those beautiful amber eyes keeping mine. I realized that when she got older, Sawyer and I would be fighting off a ton of males trying to catch her attention. Her scent wafted to me, and my mind became numb to the fantastic odor; her smell had unquestionably gotten more potent, which made me wonder why.
She’s a cute pup. A little young,though. Sarge remarked as he pushed his way to the front a little.
Amora is the Alpha’s daughter. I told him, a smile playing on my lips.
I see that she is of alpha blood, and she appears to have taken a liking to you, Sarge commented.
Yes, I stood up for her the day after I arrived, I responded.
Sarge laid down, his massive head resting on his front paws. His golden eyes were shining at me.
Yes, I see that now. Like your brother did for you? Sarge inquired, and my heart constricted with his question about my brother.
The pack filed out of the dining hall, and I made my way to my room. I couldn’t wait to lay down on my bed. The hospital bed had been soft, but the bed that was mine until my training was done was calling my name. The bad thing was it wasn’t even after twelve yet and I was tired. I felt a strong pull to get to bed before I passed out right here in the dining room.
Sleep heals, Sarge remarked to me, his tail wagging.
I bowed my head to the Luna and Amora as I walked past them. They both inclined their heads to me, Amora giving me one of her beautiful grins. When I was halfway up the stairs, I heard a set of footsteps heading my way, and I turned as Beta Adam stopped at the bottom of the stairs. His dark eyes were searching me as he stood there. “I was going to let you know that I’m giving you the rest of the week off. But I expect you to be up and learning from Delta Eric while you are not training with me.”
I nodded to him, “Yes, Beta.”
“I also wanted to thank you for coming to my rescue that day with Sawyer. If you both hadn’t come to help, I would not have been able to see my pup grow up. She was born that morning.”
He left me to ponder that information. Beta Adam was now a father; I grinned, turned, and continued up the stairs, into my room, throwing my bag of shredded clothes in the trash and sitting down on my mattress. I was so tired, but my brain was running a mile a minute with everything that had happened since I got here. I could not believe I defeated shifted wolves.
Well, I did help, you know, Sarge huffed as he looked over his shoulder.
I sighed and fell back onto my bed. I was too exhausted to do much else. Laying there, I let my mind wander to Archer, wondering what he would have done in my situation. I wished he were there, then I wouldn’t have to be here, and I’d be able to do my own thing.
Archer would be disgusted with my thoughts at the moment. I had to be strong to prove to myself and to the pack I would be running that I could do this. My hand went to the left side of my chest, subconsciously playing with the difference in texture from the blemished skin to the other smooth skin beside it. It unnerved me—another thing I would have to get used to.
Chapter Four: Birthday
Today was my birthday. My sixteenth birthday party, to be exact, and Sawyer was being steadfast about holding a party for me. My parents arrived last night, no one else from my pack came, which didn’t surprise me. I sat on the side of my bed, listening to the music playing outside and in the dining room.
I’d never had such a big party. After the one when I turned ten and no one showed up my parents had decided to make it a family affair. Friends were scarce with me, which did not bother me, and when I came here, I hadn’t expected any type of party here, especially a birthday party.
Believe me, Sawyer had tried the last two times, but I’d told the Luna and the Alpha I didn’t want one, which they had humbly accepted. But this time, Sawyer would not let me say no, so I gave up and gave him free rein with it.
To say I dreaded this party would be an understatement; I knew it would be exactly like at my pack, and not having Archer here to help with the blow to my already non-existent self-esteem.