Page 53 of My Fake Mafia Daddy
I read another part of the sign that explains the design.
Eight Stanford physicists visited Mexico to study Aztec ruins. They found blueprints for this spacecraft on pyramid walls. They re-created it in the Stanford science lab and donated this reconstruction to this museum.
I blow out a breath as I study the spaceship. It's sleek and metallic, and the two alien drawings look real. Crazy as it sounds, I can't help but wonder if aliens exist after all.
Look. I've never been one to believe in extraterrestrial life. But if Stanford professors find the evidence convincing… who am I to judge?
I massage Arlo's shoulders. "Let's check out the rest of the exhibits."
Arlo wipes tears from his eyes. "Yes, Daddy. That sounds amazing."
For the rest of the afternoon, Arlo and I lose ourselves in the museum. We read tales of farmers who saw UFOs flying over their crops and of people in India who believed spaceships touched down in their remote villages and spread messages of peace.
Around mid-afternoon, we take a snack break and redeem our popcorn vouchers at the snack bar. Arlo receives a bag of green popcorn that's as big as his head. We let out a laugh as we gorge ourselves on popcorn and explore the rest of the museum. I buy two giant green sodas, using eco-friendly alien green swirly straws for Arlo.
At last, Arlo and I head to a stargazing exhibit with the creations of UFOs to wrap up our day.
"This is amazing." Arlo sniffles as he leans against my shoulder.
My heart swells in my chest. Arlo looks so precious in his alien clothes with his big smile. I've never seen him this happy.
I'm so glad that I'm this boy's Daddy and that Arlo's in my life. He truly looks at peace.
Arlo's breath hitches. "This is what I dreamt about for years in Queens, Daddy. You made my dreams come true today. Thank you."
Synthetic starlight shines overhead as I bring my lips to Arlo's. His green braces sparkle in the light, and I use that as a sign to kiss him with everything I have. I pour my heart and soul into the kiss, collapsing in his arms.
This boy is my everything. We shared a wonderful afternoon together, and I'm so happy I'm his Daddy.
"You know, I wasn't so sure about aliens before we came to this museum. But I reconsidered."
Arlo squeals. "Did I convince you, Daddy?"
I smile as I dust his lips with a kiss. "You did, boy. Your Daddy believes in aliens now."
Arlo pulls something out of his backpack. It's Mr. Green.
"Daddy." Arlo unbuttons his khakis. "Mr. Green needs his milk break now. Please put him on my willy."
Arlo's hard dick springs up from his boxer briefs. I let out a groan as I look at his shaft in the synthetic starlight and bring Mr. Green to it.
I masturbate Arlo and kiss him in the public planetarium, where luckily there are only adults around at the moment. I realize that this is everything I've ever wanted. This angel fulfills my wildest fantasies. He makes my dreams come true.
That's when my phone buzzes.
"Hold on." I kiss my angel.
Arlo's eyebrows tick up. "Who is it?"
I pull up my messaging app.
Gianluca:I squeezed Arlo in for an early appointment tomorrow morning. Let me know if he can come by to see the specialist