Page 55 of My Fake Mafia Daddy
Constantine wraps me in a hug. "I planned to wait until you met my family to tell you this, angel. But I think you deserve to know." He squeezes my hand. "Gianluca isn't a regular doctor. He works with my family to fix up our men after our turf wars."
My brow furrows in confusion. Turf wars? I try to process what Constantine says.
"I don't know what you mean, Daddy." I bite my lower lip. Isn't that code for the Mafia? It could also be military, but I don't think Constantine's in the military.
"My family is in the Italian Mafia. We came to this country three generations ago. We control Chelsea and other wealthy boroughs."
My jaw tumbles to the ground. "You're joking."
Whoa. I didn't see this coming. I stare at Constantine, his chiseled jaw, his sexy eyes, and glance at his expensive watch. His suit coat is tailored and his cufflinks sparkle. Suddenly, it makes sense. The fact that this man is a billionaire, but gives off a dark and mysterious energy. I knew there was something more to him.
Constantine smiles. "I'm serious."
"But isn't that dangerous?" I sputter. "Everything I've heard about the Mafia is bad. You fight each other in the streets like Al Capone."
I've read stories about old-fashioned gangsters. You never know when an enemy lurks behind a corner, waiting to blow off your head.
Constantine shakes his head. "Our businesses are mostly peaceful. Last year, we made a truce with the Antonov family in New York to stop feuding."
I tap my fingers on the leather seats. "The Antonovs?"
"The Antonovs are a Russian Mafia family who emigrated to the US from Moscow. They have three American Russian brothers named Nikolai, Igor, and Timofey, and five cousins who moved to New York City this past year. They control the weapons trade in the area surrounding Central Park."
"Why did you make a truce?"
The Antonovs sound dangerous. I wouldn't make a truce with them if I were Constantine.
Constantine strokes my wrist. "We had a mutual enemy that interfered in our lives. The Riccis. They bombed our restaurants and made our lives a living hell."
"So you joined forces with the Antonov family to take them out?"
Constantine nods. "Vladimir Antonov invited us to Russia to take the remaining member of the Ricci family out last year. We lured Giuseppe Ricci to a secluded cave and put a bullet in his head."
This is too much to process. Constantine is part of an intricate network of criminals in New York.
I clutch Mr. Green. "Are you scared of the Antonovs?" I query. "They could turn on you, Daddy."
Constantine lets out a laugh. "We have more in common with the Antonovs than not."
This is interesting. I press on.
"What do you mean?" My breath hitches.
Constantine squeezes my hand. "The Antonovs are into age play and Little relationships too, sweet boy. My brothers Gianluca, Benedetto, and I see them at the Little Bunny Club every so often. We also see them at Little Land."
Constantine pulls his phone out of his pocket. "This is Christian," he explains, pulling up a boy's social media profile. "He runs the biggest chain of dairy-free ice cream shops in New York. Dino Tracks."
I stare at the young man on the screen. He has floppy blond hair like me and beams at the camera. He wears a pair of coveralls with dinos on them and poses in front of his ice cream shop.
My tummy rumbles. I've seen Dino Tracks ice cream a million times in this city, but I've never stopped by. It's a higher-end treat shop, and I never have the money.
I shake my head in amusement. "I've seen Dino Tracks all over New York, Daddy." My cheeks turn pink. "I didn't know your friend owned them."
"Nikolai Antonov helped Christian build his ice cream empire." Constantine brushes a strand of hair from my forehead. "He's a phenomenal Daddy to Christian. He funded his business and gave him the resources he needed to make his dream a reality."
Constantine opens another profile. "This is Rowan. Rowan owns a brick-and-mortar kink shop in upstate New York. He's married to Nikolai's brother Igor, and he loves dinos and cute Little things."
I peer at the picture of Rowan. Warmth bubbles up within me when I see him holding a dino stuffy and posing in front of his kink shop. He wears an adorable onesie and a pacifier necklace around his neck and he looks so sweet.