Page 67 of My Fake Mafia Daddy
"It's true." Constantine shrugs. "She enjoyed making powerful men submit to her in her glory days. She was a badass."
A chuckle works its way out of my lips. "Is that why she has no boundaries?"
I figure I shouldn't joke about Constantine's family so soon after meeting them, but I can't help myself. None of these people have hang-ups regarding sex. To be honest, it's a breath of fresh air. Most Americans are the opposite. I guess you need to be European to cast shame to the curb.
Constantine nods. "We don't call it a lack of boundaries. We call it our circle of trust."
Circle of trust. I mull this over as I bring two fingers to my chin.
Well, if I wasn't sure Constantine was in the mob before, now it's certain.
I nod. "That makes sense. You need to know your family to plan for potential threats."
Constantine smiles. "It's a way to check for future liability."
"Tell me more."
"For instance," Constantine explains, "if Gianluca says he's straight, but he has a fling with a man, enemies can use that as leverage against us. Whereas if we all know Gianluca likes men, it's not a problem."
That makes sense. You can only blackmail someone if they're ashamed about what they're doing. Otherwise, you're better off investing your energy elsewhere.
I furrow my brow. "Is Gianluca really straight? I find it odd considering the rest of you are gay."
"He says he's straight. No one knows what'll happen down the line."
I let out a breath. "I don't understand."
"Gianluca could see a beautiful boy come into his homeless youth shelter and fall in love." Constantine shrugs. "A cute androgynous coworker could show up at the hospital tomorrow who turns his sexual world upside down."
I picture Dr. Gianluca falling for one of his coworkers. I can't help but laugh. That'd be so funny. I'd love to be a fly on the wall when it happens.
I chuckle. "It cracks me up that you know your entire family's preferences. I can't picture American families doing that."
I didn't have many friends in high school, but the few friends I had came from conservative families. They'd rather stomp out of the room instead of discuss sex.
Constantine smiles. "That's the beauty of close families. We're not ashamed to discuss our wants and needs. It's how Mom and Dad raised us."
"And how Nana raised your father," I add. "She didn't let him feel ashamed of his desires."
Like wanting a powerful woman to dominate him in bed. I can see why a vicious man would want to relinquish authority behind closed doors. Running the world is tiring.
Constantine nods. "Well, my father probably got his submissive desires from Nana," he jokes.
I can't help but laugh. "That's true. I forgot about that."
"Freud would have a field day with my family. But he's dead. Let's not involve him."
My eyebrows tick up. "Freud?" I've never heard of this man.
Constantine nudges my ribcage. "The Grand Master Daddy Freud. He invented Daddy kink."
I take a sip of apple juice and rest my cheek on Constantine's chest. I picture Freud sitting around with his friends at a coffee table creating Daddy kink. Gosh. What a guy.
Thank you, Freud. You paved the way for many happy boys in this world.
Constantine kisses my cheek. "We need to exit this fort, sweet boy."
Constantine's words are a surprise. I furrow my brow and curl into a ball. No part of me wants to leave this fort. I want to stay with my Daddy forever.