Page 72 of My Fake Mafia Daddy
Later that night
I lightthe candles on my bedside table and slide a fresh stick of incense into my charcoal censer. The smell of lavender wafts up from the tip, and I close my eyes and inhale deeply.
Tonight's the night Arlo and I make it official tonight. This changes everything.
Arlo pops his head out of the bathroom. "Are you ready, Daddy?"
My angel's freshening up. When we returned from Little Land, he told me he needed a few hours to prepare for sex. As a virgin, he's never used a douche before, and I can't say I'm surprised. After we hopped into my limousine, I instructed Leonardo to stop at a local sex shop.
It's where Rowan sells his products. I bought a bright blue douche with adorable pictures of cartoon unicorns for Arlo. Unfortunately, they didn't have douches with aliens, because that trend apparently hasn't caught on yet—I assume retailers don't want to advertise "alien probes"—but Arlo didn't mind. I pulled out my phone when we returned to my limousine and showed Arlo a video to teach him how to prepare.
I check out the douche in my angel's hand… and fucking melt. My heart slams in my chest, and I blow out a breath of wonderment. I wonder how I lucked out with this boy. Everything about Arlo speaks to my soul.
I think of Arlo at Little Land. When we arrived, Arlo was nervous to meet his new friends. He doesn't have many buddies and, as he explained to me after the playdate, his attempts to introduce himself to people in high school were met with derision.
In class, the students knew him as the weird alien kid who walked around with stuffies. It's difficult to get your classmates to take a hankering for you when bullies pick on you.
But when Arlo met Christian, Rowan, and Karter, something shifted in his heart. He was no longer the kid whose love of stuffed animals got him picked on. He was a Little who found his tribe.
My heart swelled when I watched Arlo play with his new pals. As they leapt into the stuffy pit, I swear my Daddy side came to the surface. When they visited the diamond painting station to create pretty pictures, I went to heaven.
Arlo's picture was the best work of art I'd ever seen. He depicted me riding a horse with a glistening sword in my hand. In the piece, Arlo wrapped his arms around me and burrowed into me for protection. In the distance, a giant dragon roared fire into a castle. And in the sky, a signature spaceship flew to the moon.
I hung it next to my bedroom window overlooking the harbor the second we arrived home. I want to see this adorable picture every fucking day for the rest of my life.
I set the matches on my bedside table. "Close. I'm lighting candles to set the mood."
Arlo's jaw drops as he looks around the room. He brings his hands to his heart and shoots me puppy dog eyes.
"Daddy." Arlo pats his chest. "This is wonderful. It's exactly what I imagined."
I smile. "Go back to the bathroom, boy. Get that tight little asshole ready for Daddy rut his cock in. Daddy has a few more things he needs to set out."
Arlo shakes his booty as he turns around and shuts the bathroom door. My eyes lock on his sexy hips and juicy ass as I watch him leave. Walking toward the window, I tug out a secret box of green rose petals Nikolai acquired for me. They're from a special florist in Brooklyn.
This was the reason for my business meeting with Nikolai. Specks of luxurious glitter adorn the petals, and I blow out a breath as I examine them.
They're so soft.I take one in my palm and blow on it gently, letting it flutter to the floor.Arlo will love these.
My heart swells as I spread the petals on my bed. We agreed to dismantle the pillow fort temporarily, and so the petals float through the air before landing on the sheets. As I arrange them, I can't help feel proud.
This is my biggest fantasy. I get to be Arlo's protector and spoil the hell out of him.
I shake my head in amusement. "It's fucking crazy that no other boy wanted this from you. Arlo is the one."
Neither Carlos, nor any of my other boys, were interested in fancy bedroom arrangements. They called me old-fashioned and said they wanted to have sex at the Little Bunny Club. Arlo is different. As a romantic, he understands the value of a special location to make love. Arlo isn't concerned about the carnal act by itself. He wants the emotion, the beautiful emotion we'll experience together for the first time.
Part of my kink is taking time to make sure everything's perfect for Arlo. If even one rose petal crashes to the ground instead of staying on the sheets, I won't forgive myself.
Arlo pokes his head outside the bathroom. "I'm ready, Daddy. I douched my ass."
I set the empty velvet box on my bedside table. "Come out, boy. Daddy's waiting."
Arlo walks out a moment later… and I force myself to breathe. My eyes rake over a pair of skimpy dark green panties he wears with a tiny bow on his cock. His slender limbs sparkle with the yummy lotion he put on, and I inhale his scent from across the room. His round, smooth ass bulges in his panties, and I let out a groan when I peek at his bee-stung lips.