Page 6 of Lost On the Mountain
But seeing her wearing my sweatshirt brought back all of those memories of when we were kids and she was always wearing my hoodies.
My friends would probably say I should still be angry with her and move on, but I couldn’t. I never could. I’d dated here and there, but Jade had my heart.
I dished up my eggs on some plates and took them to the small table I had in the corner. “Let’s eat. You need to get some calories in you. Are you still cold?”
She nodded and rubbed her arms. “A little bit.”
I turned to her and gathered her into my arms, holding her close to me. I breathed her in, smelling a hint of my soap and shampoo on her. Jade melted into me. I held her in the middle of my kitchen, neither of us speaking.
She finally pulled away from me. “Nate -”
I shook my head and pointed to the table. Maybe hugging her had been too forward. “Sit and eat.”
Jade didn’t say anything but followed my directions, sitting down at the table. She began to eat and paused to moan. “Still as good as I remember, Nate. What’s your secret?”
I winked at her. “I can’t tell you.”
She rolled her eyes and laughed before continuing to eat. We both ate our food in comfortable silence. The storm was still howling outside with rolling thunder and lots of lightning. From the way the rain looked outside my window, I swore it was coming down sideways.
When we were done, I stood up and got our plates. I set them in the sink and turned around, leaning against the counter. “Feel better?”
Jade stood up and nodded. “I do. Thank you so much Nate. If you hadn’t shown up, I don’t know what would have happened.”
Her eyes started to fill with tears and I went to her. “Hey, don’t think about it. It doesn’t matter because I did find you.”
“Right.” She nodded again and took a deep shaky breath. “I don’t know why I went out. I just miss Dad so much and needed to feel close to him.” She choked back a sob. “I miss him so much.”
“I know, babe. Come here, Jade.” I held out my arms and she stepped into them. My arms went around her waist as she rested her head on my chest. It made my heart ache to see her in so much pain.
She sobbed as I held her. I rubbed her back and let her cry. Jade was the toughest girl I ever knew and I had a feeling she hadn’t really let herself freely grieve for her dad. She always thought she had to be so strong for everyone else.
Her cries quieted and she pulled back far enough to look up at me. “Thank you again.”
I moved my hands to her face and brushed away her tears with my thumbs. “Jade, I will always be here for you.” I took a deep breath, deciding to go for it. She would either accept me or reject me. If she felt the same, we could maybe get our happily ever after. If she didn’t then maybe I could stop wondering and finally move on.
“I still love you, Jade. Maybe I shouldn’t tell you this because you don’t feel the same but when I saw you for the first time again after all of these years at your dad’s funeral, the old feelings came back. I’ve never been able to really date someone because my heart has always belonged to you.”
Jade pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and her eyes welled up again. I led her to the couch so we could sit down. “Don’t cry. I don’t want to make you cry again, Jade. In fact, I want to make sure you never cry again and if you do, be there to pick you up.”
“Oh Nate. I don’t know what to say.” She threw her arms around me and lunged at me, almost knocking me onto my back. Jade covered my face in kisses. “I felt the same way. I’ve never dated anyone since you. I wanted to say something but I thought you hated me.”
“I could never hate you, Jade.” My hands found their way under the sweatshirt she was wearing and I traced tiny circles on her lower back. “I wanted to hate you. It would have made getting over you easier, but I couldn’t.”
I leaned down and kissed her, my lips moving slowly over hers. Jade moved so she was straddling me on the couch, her arms around my neck. We made out like that forever, just like we used to do in high school, but soon, I needed more.
I finally tore my mouth from hers. “Let’s move this to the bedroom.” Her eyes were dark with desire and she shook her head. “I can’t wait to get you naked and fuck you, Jade.”
Her eyes flashed and my dick twitched in my pants. I used to talk dirty to her all the time and she loved it. It always seemed like the dirtier I talked to her, the harder she would cum.
I stood up with her in my arms easily. My fingers dug into her ass and she wrapped her whole body around me. “Is that what my dirty little slut needs, huh? She needs Daddy to fuck her like he used to?”
Jade moaned and whimpered into my neck. God I missed those noises. I couldn’t wait to hear them all again.
Sweet baby Jesus, when Nate started the filthy talk, I was putty in his hands.