Page 11 of Bleeding Crowne
Everything issilent around me except for the sounds of our flesh slapping together as I fuck Winter. The slap, slap, slap reverberates across the tiled walls in the bathroom we’re currently in and that’s the only thing my mind can focus on.
It feels like my body has a mind of its own, like I’m having an out-of-body experience right now. Physically, I’m here, but mentally I’m somewhere far. I can see what I’m doing but it’s also like someone else is doing it. I don’t feel anything except the pain and anger coursing through my veins.
I continue with my punishing thrusts into her. I’m barely aware of the voice in the back of my head telling me to stop before I take it too far, but I don’t listen to it because everything inside my head is just static at this point.
I don’t let myself think or even feel because if I do, all the emotions I don’t want to feel since Winter said, ‘sorry I cheated,’ like it’s that easy, will swallow me whole.
“Ma-Mason I-I think I just ripped my stitches…” Winter sobs out and the sound of her voice is what finally pulls me out of the haze I was in. I instantly stiffen and pull out of her, shoving her away because I don’t want to touch her anymore. But it’s too late and I’m coming on her. I was too in my head to focus on what was happening. I may not have actually felt any pleasure consciously, but my body had no such qualms.
I’ve done some crazy shit to her, but I’ve never degraded her like this. It’s at this point when I realize just how toxic we’ve become.
Motherfucker! When did things become so fucked?
“Ahh, it hurts! It hurts so fucking much,” she cries out in a pain-filled voice, tears streaming down her pretty face.
I lift my hand to wipe my face but notice it’s covered in blood. What the fuck just happened? I grab onto the counter and bend my head to get a grip. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I internally curse. I don’t think I’ve ever been this out of control before and it’s fucking with me. I hear her cries behind me, but I can’t bring myself to turn around just yet. I’ve already done enough for tonight.
I thought hurting her back would lessen the pain, but it just makes me realize how fucked we are. We’re just going around in this vicious cycle over and over again. I used to love this girl and now we’re hell-bent on hurting each other.
When I turn to look at her crumpled on the floor, I hate myself just a little. Fuck! Without thinking, I slam my fist into the mirror in front of me and it shatters on impact, glass raining down around me.
“Look at what you turned us into, baby, and I fucking hate you for it.” I say hoarsely, letting some of the emotion bleed out of me. Before she can respond, I turn and walk out of the bathroom, leaving her there on the floor sobbing and I hate myself just a little more for that too.
I practically rush out of the room after exiting the bathroom. I admit after everything that happened in the office downstairs, I snapped and fucking lost control. It seems as though we’re only capable of causing each other pain now and there is no in-between. One of us pushes and the other pulls and things are just getting too out of control now.
She just fucking drives me insane as tonight just proved. When she admitted to cheating on me earlier, all I could think about was hurting her and so the fucking cycle began again. I wanted her to feel the pain I’ve felt since our relationship ended. Her words stabbed me in the chest all over again, only this time it felt worse than it did before.
I fucking hate that she still has this much power over me. The line between love and hate has been blurred so much between us, it’s like we don’t know how to function anymore if one of us isn’t hurting the other. And yeah, I hate to admit it, but Riley was right, this shit will end in disaster.
I make my way down the stairs and outside onto the back porch. As soon as I’m outside, I slam my fist into the wall a few times, hoping it will calm me down. I’ve been making her life a living hell since she came back to Ravenwood but tonight is the worst I’ve ever been to her. When my knuckles are bloody and all I can feel is the pain in my hands, I walk over to one of the chairs and take a seat.
The cold wind blows across my skin, chilling me to the bone, but cooling off my anger a bit too. If I go back into the house right now, I’d probably do some shit I’ll regret later. An uneasy feeling washes over me and lands in the pit of my stomach and I don’t know why.
I’ve just fully calmed down when screams from inside float out to me. They’re loud and terrified. It takes me a second to realize the screams are coming from Grayson. In an instant, I’m up on my feet and running inside.
“Masonnn!!!” he screams as I hit the bottom of the stairs. His voice is so frantic that I’m instantly on alert. When I make it up the stairs and run toward the room Gray is still screaming from, I hear footsteps running behind me.
I’m on edge and anxious to get to him because I’ve never heard Grayson sound so scared in his entire life. He hasn’t stopped screaming since I first heard him. I follow his voice and run right back into the bathroom Winter and I were in earlier and stop dead in my tracks.
It takes a second for me to process what I’m seeing. There’s blood all over the bathroom floor, like a lot more than the few drops that were there before. Grayson is on his knees in front of Winter, his hands shaking as he tries to put some bandages on her forearms. When I look down, both her arms are bleeding and there’s a long cut on both. My body freezes at the sight.
“What the fuck?” I choke out before rushing over to him and trying to help. I have no clue what to say or do right now and I can feel all my emotions rising to the surface again.
“Winter!” Riley screams out and I turn to look at everyone standing there with horrified expressions on their faces. The girls instantly start sobbing at the sight before them.
“He-help me, Mase! We need to get her to the hospital! I-I-I think she took those pills,” Gray says with tears running down his face. I feel like such a fucking asshole, but I put the self-loathing to the back of my mind for now because I need to help her. I’ll come back to that when I know she’s fine.
I look over to the bottle lying on the floor and see that it’s empty. Fuck! I have no idea how much of those she took, plus it looks like she’s lost a lot of blood already.
“What the hell happened?” I ask him while bringing my hand up to her neck to check for a pulse. I don’t find one and my fucking heart—the one I thought was dead a long time ago—skips a beat. I press down on her neck a little harder and put all my attention onto the task at hand. I finally feel one but it’s slow. Yeah, she needs a fucking hospital right now.
“I don’t fucking know! You were the last one with her! I rushed in here after you went downstairs, but I was too fucking late. She had already taken the pills and cut herself!” he screams at me. “I fucking hate you, Mase! I told you, you were pushing her too far!” Grayson screams at me again. Fuck, I get that this is all my fault, but, man, his words fucking sting.
My brother has never raised his voice at me, nor has he ever said he hated me no matter what shit I pulled or what I got myself into. Him saying it now fucking burns. I don’t blame him for his reaction because when it comes to her and my revenge, I haven’t been listening to anything sensible from any of them. I just did what I wanted because she needed to pay and that’s the only thing I was focused on.
“You can chew me out later but right now we need to get her to the fucking hospital. I think she’s barely holding on.” I say the last part hoarsely, hearing my own voice crack. “I don’t think I’ll be able to drive… someone else needs to,” I croak out.