Page 31 of Bleeding Crowne
“I’ll get you new ones,” he whispers into my hair.
“But I loved those ones,” I cry. I don’t know why this feels like it’s the end of the world, but it is. I don’t even remember if I ever wore those shoes before tonight, but I guess I’d rather focus on that instead of the crushing weight of Mason’s betrayal again.
“Why the hell are you even drinking? Haven’t you put me through enough stress already?” he asks in an angry tone, which reminds me I have more whiskey to drink. I lift the bottle up, intending to take another swig, but he grabs it out of my hands and flings it across the beach.
“Hey! That was mine!” I yell.
“It’s like you’re trying to fucking kill yourself again!” he snaps.
“What are you, my dad? What’s it to you if I want to die, asshole? You weren’t so concerned when you were helping your brother fuck my life up! Does a certain fucking porn video remind you of anything?” I snap at him.
“So, if you had the chance again, even after everything you put us through already in Aspen, you’re telling me you’d try to kill yourself again?”
“Yep!” I say making sure to pop the P. Sue me! I’m drunk and can’t help half the shit that’s coming out of my mouth right now. “What is there to live for anyway?” I sigh.
“Un-fucking-believable!” he snaps before he grabs both my arms and pushes me away from his chest just enough so that he can look me in the face. Before I can even comprehend what the hell is happening, his lips are on mine. Grayson motherfucking King is kissing me!
Oh shit! Oh fuck! I must be drunker than I thought I was because there is no way this is actually happening, right?
A second later, he pulls away and I just stand there staring at him—well, more like gaping up at him like a fish out of water—while he looks as normal as ever as if we weren’t just sucking face with each other.
“Wha-you, I…” I stutter, my brain not having the mental capacity to focus right now.
“Get even, babe. Start fighting back. He’s my brother, but it’s about time he gets his head out of his ass,” Grayson says calmly while I’m still stuck on the fact that he just kissed me.
“And how does you kissing me factor into fighting back?” I practically yell, finally having gotten a handle on some of my mental faculties again.
“Easy. We’ll start dating just to piss him off,” he says with glee in his eyes. I have to wonder how long he’s had this idea in his head because you can’t come up with that shit spur-of-the-moment, right?
“So, let me get this correct, yeah? Your bright idea is to make him think I’m an even bigger whore than he already thinks I am? You’re such a fucking genius. I don’t know why you even need school anymore,” I say in a deadpan tone.
“We had a talk earlier, and I told him it’s only a matter of time before someone sweeps you off your feet.” He smirks.
“And now you’re proposing to be that person?” I ask, still reeling from this whole goddamn conversation.
“Who better to bust his balls?” he asks laughing.
“Wow, it’s like you want us both to get murdered and thrown into some ditch where our bodies will never be found! Because I’m pretty sure that asshole isn’t above murder at this point,” I grumble.
“Trust me. It’s going to be fine,” he says with all the confidence in the world, which just makes me roll my eyes.
“Our funeral, if I decide to go through with this ridiculous plan of yours. I don’t see this ending well at all,” I say once again to put some sense into his brain.
“Let’s go back inside, babe. You’ve been out here in the cold long enough/ with your drunk ass, even though you shouldn’t have been drinking at all!” he reminds me.
“Do you see me telling you how to live your life, asshole? No? Then fucking shut the hell up!” I say in the bitchiest tone I can muster but he just rolls his eyes at me.
It’s a wonder I can still talk to him without wanting to kill him, especially after the whole porn video thing. Before that whole craptastic situation, Grayson was like the brother I never had. Now I’m constantly on guard when I’m around him which sucks because I miss the best friend I had in him. I guess what they say is true—friends can break your heart too.
“Let’s go. Phase one of our plan begins now,” he tells me gleefully. I have no idea what he has planned but I know this is going to blow up in our faces.
“I didn’t agree to anything, dickwad!” I snap.
“Doesn’t matter, it’s happening,” he says and drags me back toward the house. I have no choice but to follow.