Page 41 of Bleeding Crowne
“And how I talk to you is none of your business either, bitch,” Gray says with his comeback.
“Why you—” she starts, but he cuts her off.
“Save it. You’re not even fucking welcomed in this house! The only reason you’re here is because Dad is thinking with his dick. Come to think of it, he must not be thinking at all because what the hell he sees in such a manipulative bitch is beyond me,” he continues, and I sit there and stare. My food is all but forgotten as the drama unfolds before me.
Wow, no one has ever gone at my mother like that before and I’m loving every moment of it. It’s nice not being on the receiving end of sure harsh words for once. The show doesn’t last long because Alister walks into the room.
“Grayson! Stop it this instant! I did not raise you like this!” he snaps at his son.
“Whatever, Dad. I’m tired of everyone talking shit and calling my girl names that don’t apply to her and that includes your bitch of a wife!” he snaps at his father.
“What the hell are you talking about? She can’t be your girl when your brother has already had her!” Alister snaps before turning to pin me with a deadly look.
“Surely, you’re not such a slut to date two brothers one after the other!” he growls, and I wince at his tone and the implication of his words. Obviously, Grayson and I aren’t dating but no one else knows that.
“Dad, don’t start with your shit! Obviously, she’s not dating Gray,” Mason snaps at his dad and I’m surprised.
I have a feeling that somehow, I’ll be the one paying for the outburst from the boys if Alister has his way, especially from the nasty glare he’s currently throwing my way.
Everyone besides Mason thinks it’s real and the look Grayson gives me tells me to not say a word either. I don’t know what his hidden agenda is but I’m going along with it for now. So, I just shrug. I chance a glance at Mason and find his eyes already on me.
I look away from him again. I’m intent on never speaking to him again and determined to see it through. He can stare at me all he wants. It won’t change a thing. Is it bad that I still want him to hurt as much as he’s hurt me? It might make me a bad person to say that, but I don’t care. He deserves to feel at least a fraction of the amount of hurt I’ve felt for the past few months.
“Come on, darling, let’s go,” Alister says to my mother as she sniffles with crocodile tears in her eyes as though the words that Grayson said to her hurts. But we all know she’s nothing but a heartless bitch and is no doubt playing this up. “I hope you remember the conversation we had a day ago,” he says to me in a tone I don’t like, before finally walking out of the kitchen with my mother in tow.
Shit, I almost forgot about the threat he made me even though I still don’t know what he plans to do. I push it to the back of my mind, determined not to stress about the things I can’t control. I’ll just have to deal with whatever it is if or when it happens.
I look down at my watch and see that it’s eight a.m. already and get up and out of my seat. My food has long since been forgotten, and it’s probably cold so no use in sticking around. I walk over to the sink and put my plates in it before turning to Grayson.
I wrap him up into a hug and give him a kiss on his cheek. “Thank you,” I whisper. His back is to Mason which puts me in front of him. I can see Mason from over his shoulder and he’s shooting daggers at us, but still, he doesn’t say anything at all.
After I let go of Gray, I walk back over to the table and grab my bag before making my way to the front door. I walk outside and down the stairs, seeing that my car is already here. I called earlier and asked for it to be brought to the front.
I walk to the driver’s side and look up at the mansion before me. There are so many terrible memories for me inside those walls and I’m glad I’m about to break away from it all. This morning is my last morning here.
I can’t stay in a place that doesn’t help me grow but instead keeps me down and drains me of all my happiness. I was serious about today being the start of taking my life back and just fuck everyone else.
I take one last look before getting into the driver’s side and slam the door closed. It feels like I’m starting a new life, which technically I am. I’m closing the door on that specific part of my life.
I take off through the gates and then onto the road heading in the downtown direction where my office is located. Halfway there, I happen to look in my rearview mirror and notice the same motorcycle that kept following me around before I left for Aspen.
Or is it? I’m not even sure anymore but I’m so focused on the person riding the bike that when the sound of a horn blaring catches my attention, I barely manage to swerve back into my lane without causing an accident.
Of course, I can’t see who the guy on the bike is because he has on one of those helmets that covers your whole head, and the glass is down. I can’t see his eyes and he has on a leather jacket so that won’t help me make out anything distinguishable.
When I stop at one of the stop lights, he pulls up on the passenger side. I can’t help but look to try and see him clearly but again nothing. This guy knows how to hide in plain sight. He turns his head and I’m assuming he’s looking at me, but I can’t be sure.
When the light turns green again, he drives off, and it takes a second to get my bearings and drive off as well. When I get to my building, I drive straight on through into the underground parking garage and park in my spot. It can’t be a coincidence that I keep seeing that motorcycle around, right?
I know it’s the same motorcycle because of the sticker on the side of it. It’s a skull with a snake wrapped around it. I’ve never seen that anywhere before until I started noticing motorcycle guy and I’m wondering what it means. There are words around the skull, but I’ve always been too far away to even make out what it says.
I turn my car off and get out. I look around the garage to make sure no one followed me, and I don’t see anything that looks suspicious. I don’t see the bike anywhere and that leads me to believe I must be paranoid. Maybe the guy was just a regular guy on a bike and not someone following me.
I walk to the elevator and punch in the code to my office floor. When I get off, the floor that was just filled with noise suddenly turns silent as everyone stops what they’re doing to stare at me. I suddenly feel unnerved. I can feel them judging me with their eyes.
I just walk straight to my office without saying a word to anyone. I need to get my bearings. This is turning out to be more difficult than I thought it would be, though I didn’t expect it to be easy.
I haven’t been in the office in a while and since then there’s been tons of shit on me in the news and papers and whatnot. Thankfully, none of the reporters have gotten news on what happened in Aspen or things would have been crazier for me. At least I had the insight to grab a blazer before I left the house to hide the bandages.