Page 68 of Bleeding Crowne
I moveMason’s arm from around me and slowly slip out of bed before heading for the bathroom to get my things. I need to get ready to head to Ravenwood U today to get started on my project and I don’t feel like having an entourage with me.
I need some time alone to gather my thoughts. My head aches and I’m still feeling the effects from partying hard last night. Maybe I shouldn’t have drank those last two shots.
My body aches because of the pounding I took last night. Who knew getting railed would take so much out of my body?
I can’t stay home today since I have lots to do. I promised myself I’d actually make time to restart my project again since I haven’t yet. I’ve been slacking on that and really need to get back into the swing of things and try to live a normal life.
Last night after we got home, things between Mason and I got intense but it’s also confusing. I still have that sort of love/hate relationship with myself when it comes to him.
So far, things have been going okay. He’s been there for me, making sure that I’m fine and I appreciate it, but I’ve been feeling unsettled like something is coming—only I don’t know what it is or when.
My anxiety has been through the roof most days and I have a feeling that whenever shit goes down, it’ll happen all at once and I won’t know what to do.
The saying trust your gut is on a loop through my mind, and my gut says the worst is yet to come. I believe it because the two weeks following almost being run over have been sort of quiet and that definitely can’t be good. Whoever has been after me could be preparing for what’s yet to come.
The only thing that hasn’t stopped is the weird and creepy messages that I keep getting. They won’t stop no matter how many times I’ve changed my number. Without fail, they always get the new one. I keep wondering how the hell this person is getting it every single time.
I’m beyond stressed at this point and I’m barely managing to function on most days. I’m not sure what else I can do to make it all go away or what to focus on anymore since different things keep bombarding me. The only thing I do manage to focus on is trying to stay alive. It’s sad that I just woke up and I already have so many things to think and worry about. Not for the hundredth time, I wonder when it’ll all end.
Grabbing my toothbrush from my bathroom and then a pair of leggings and a T-shirt from my closet, I walk out of my room and into one of the guest rooms to get ready, in there so that I don’t wake Mason up.
I don’t want to wake him up because then he’ll follow me, and I just need today to myself. The guys have been great at sticking to my side, but it’s getting to be a little too much even though deep down I know it’s for the best. But today, I need the breathing space without anyone hindering my air or I might just lose it completely.
I mean, what’s the worst that can happen, right? I’m just going straight from here to school and there are always people there so nothing bad can happen. No one kidnaps you or anything like that in broad daylight, right?
I let out a sigh. The constant overthinking about even the simplest of situations is also taking its toll on me. And for the millionth time since being back in Ravenwood, I’m wishing I had a normal life with normal parents.
Once I’m finished getting dressed for the day, I slowly walk back into my room and grab my bag and a pair of sneakers. I look over at the bed to see that Mason is still sleeping soundly and I’m glad for that. He’ll be super pissed when he wakes up to find me gone, but I’m willing to risk his wrath for a few hours of freedom.
The guy has literally been up my ass and I’m getting tired of his bossiness. He never listens to a word I say. It’s always “do this” or “do that” and I can’t fucking take it anymore. I just want to rip my hair out of my head.
I glance at him one last time before tiptoeing out of the room and quietly closing the door behind me. I put my shoes on at the door before heading out to the elevator. I get on and then press the button for the parking garage and in no time, the elevator is going down.
Stepping out of the elevator, I begin walking toward my car. I take my bag off my shoulder and dig around inside for my car keys. While looking, I realize I forgot my phone upstairs. Shit!
I debate for a second on whether I should go back upstairs for my phone but then decide against it. If I go up and wake Mason, then he’ll insist on coming with me, and I don’t need to hear his nagging this early in the morning.
It’s only seven in the morning so the city is now waking up. The garage is completely empty at this time. I figured why not get to the lab early so I can bask in the peace and quiet of the school when not many people are around.
When I had the meeting with the dean a while ago, she gave me a key to the lab I’d be using so that I could come and go as I pleased. Since the university is big enough with more than enough lab rooms, the one she gave me is just for me, which means no other class is using that lab this semester. I have it all to myself.
I need to figure out how to get back on track with my pharmaceutical drug that will help people with their anxiety. If this drug passes the FDA, then it’ll be a game changer for anti-anxiety drugs in the market.
Too bad Mason had to go fuck with my notebook. Just thinking about it makes me pissed as fuck at him. I really want to kill him for it. I guess it’s a good thing he isn’t with me right now or I think I really would stab him or something.
I should’ve had the hindsight to upload everything digitally but something about having it in my notebook just made it feel real somehow and like I was actually making progress.
Just as I make it to my car and am about to open the door, there’s a shuffling sound from behind me. Before I can turn around to see what made the noise, something hard hits me in the head, causing searing pain to erupt on my skull.
The impact causes me to stumble before falling onto my knees. My head is throbbing now, and my vision is blurring. I try to crawl away but that’s when I feel another hit, this time to the side of my head. A moment later, everything goes black…
I’m woken up when a bucket of cold ice water is thrown on me. The unexpectedness of the act causes a scream to rip out of me and a second later, I’m shivering from the cold.
My headstill aches from being hit so hard with what must have been a bat or something. I’m not even sure because I didn’t get to see what it was.
My head was leaning to one side and now it hurts to even move it since it was twisted in such an awkward position.