Page 71 of Bleeding Crowne
I don’t knowhow many days it’s been since I’ve been here strapped to this chair with no food and barely any water. The only time I’ve been out of my restraints is when they let me out to use the bathroom and even then, I have to beg.
My lips are busted, and my eyes are swollen shut. My entire body aches with the pain of their fists. When that guy told the men to show me what happens…
Well, let’s just say, I’d take being in my mother’s company over what they did to me. I’ve been beaten and bruised, and I wouldn’t wish this kind of torture on anyone. I hope my bestie kills them if they ever catch up to her, though I’m kind of hoping they don’t. What if she can’t kill them?
Or what if they blindside her and kill her first? Gah! I’m not even in the Mafia and I’m worried about Mafia business. I’m still not over the fact that my friend is going to be the head of the fucking Russian Mafia or Bratva or whatever the hell that guy said earlier someday.
How cool–well, how deadly is that? Something had to have gone down for her to be on the run which means she won’t be of any help to me. No one knows where I am and that thought makes me feel like freaking out.
Mason is definitely going to kill me himself, if he ever finds me. How is he going to even find me? What if I end up dying here?
I stupidly left my phone in my apartment so I can’t call for help, not that I could with my hands bound to the chair.
Ugh, this whole situation is a clusterfuck of epic proportions! How the hell did I get dragged into this? Well, I know how but I don’t blame my friend because I’m sure she doesn’t know.
At least now I know why she was acting weird. Everything totally makes sense now. She was always looking over her shoulder.
I lift my head up and try to open my eyes and, man, does it hurt to even do that. The pain in my entire body is becoming unbearable. Being in this one position for days is not doing me any favors.
“I need to use the bathroom,” I say loud enough for someone to hear. One guy turns around to look at me and then turns back to the table where they’re playing cards. Is this all Russian criminals do? Drink vodka and play cards? ‘Cause I’ve got to say, they’re giving all other Russian criminals a bad name. “I’m talking to you, asshole!” I yell again when no one bothers with me.
One of them grunts before nudging the one next to him and they both get up and start walking toward me. A moment later, they untie me and both of them lift me up and start dragging me toward the back of the warehouse where the bathrooms are. It’s a good thing they’re holding onto me because I don’t think I could’ve made it on my own.
I stink because I haven’t showered since I’ve been here, and the thought alone makes me queasy. We’re halfway to the bathroom when chaos ensues. The two men that are holding me drop onto the floor one after the other.
I let out a scream when I notice blood coming out of their heads. Both of them were shot execution style. I duck for cover as louder gunshots start firing into the room. This time it sounds like a semi-automatic is being used.
The men all rush up from their tables, guns drawn, and they start firing in random directions. I have no idea where the first set of gunshots came from and apparently neither do these guys. They just keep firing at random things.
Not wanting any of their stray bullets to hit me, I quickly but carefully crawl away from the two men who were taking me to the bathroom. I rush into the bathroom since we were almost there and shut the door behind me.
I barely have any strength in me, but I use the little that I have to climb up onto the toilet to get to the window. It’s not that big but I think it’s big enough that I can climb through. I try to push the window open and just my luck, it’s freaking locked shut.
I groan in frustration, looking around the bathroom. I don’t see anything I can use to break the window with. The bathroom is bare with nothing useful inside. Grunting out my frustration, I close my fist and slam it against the glass as I scream my anger out on the window.
Nothing happens and I’m even more pissed. I start pounding on the glass, trying to break it but no luck.
“Stop doing that before you hurt your goddamn self!” I hear a deep masculine voice say from behind me. “I’ve seen you do that enough for the past few months,” he continues as a scream rips out of me.
I twist around so fast that I lose my balance and almost go tumbling onto the floor. The guy is super-fast and catches me in his arms. His grip on me tightens for a second and that motion makes me remember all the underlying pain in my body.
“Get off me, asshole!” I snap at this intruder.
“I see your language hasn’t improved. Is that any way to talk to the man who just saved your life from those Russian assholes?” he drawls.
“Didn’t need your help. I had it handled,” I say just because this guy’s attitude pisses me off. Like who the hell does he think he is?
“Sure, you did.”
“Yeah, I was just waiting them out to give my friend a chance then I was gonna make my grand esc–wait, what do you mean ‘you’ve seen enough for the past few months?’” I shriek before pushing against his chest. He lets go of me and I fall flat on my ass. “Oww, asshole! Have you been stalking me? Oh my God, are you my stalker?” I’m literally about to lose it.
I’m on my feet in an instant–and, man, that hurts all the bones in my body–before I make a mad dash around him and run out the bathroom. I stop dead in my tracks. There’s blood everywhere. All the men who were here are sprawled on the floor with blood oozing out of them.
“Would you calm the hell down? I’m helping you,” I hear from right behind me, and I squeak at his closeness.
“Did you do this?” I question even though I already know the answer.