Page 85 of Bleeding Crowne
There’s a small copier in one corner of the room so I make a copy of everything concerning Mason’s mom and then put everything back where it belongs. I don’t think anyone else knows about this room and I’d like to keep it that way.
The computer beeps and I see the current office manager walking down the hallway. I quickly push the papers under my jacket and use the latch to open the door from the inside before rushing back into Dad’s outer office. Once I pull the door closed, I hear the locks automatically close behind me. I set the book back in its place. I pull the office door open just as he was about to knock.
“Oh, hey, I was just about to come check on you and see if you were okay,” he says with a smile. It’s gone when he looks at my face.
“I’m fine. Just the thought of him being gone still hurts. You know?” I ask as casually as I can.
“Yeah, I’m still so sorry for your loss,” he says in a voice full of sympathy that I don’t need right now, especially after everything that I’ve just learned.
“Thanks. Listen, I have to run, something came up. It was nice seeing you,” I say awkwardly before practically speed walking out of there.
Like today could get any worse! The events of yesterday and today are definitely taking its toll on me and my mental health. I feel like it’s only a matter of time before I lose it completely again.
I get in the car that was waiting for me in the parking lot. “Back to the hotel please,” I tell the driver.
I need to get back to the hotel to put these papers away before going to visit my father’s grave. It’s time to put on my big girl panties and finally make the visit since I’ve been avoiding it for so long.
When I get to the hotel, memories of the last time I was here assault me. Well, not the memories of what actually happened to me, just the ones that something did. The ones that Dad told me about after I got out of the hospital and right before my life fell apart.
I push away the emotions and go up to my room. The penthouse suite is reserved for Dad and me… well, me now. That means no guests ever stay inside it. There is another one below ours that guests are welcomed to stay in since you know there are some rich snobs who only stay in the penthouse rooms.
Once I get to the room, I put the papers in the safe in my room before taking a shower and then getting dressed to go to the cemetery. That bad and nauseous feeling is back once again and I’m just hoping that nothing bad happens here.
I’m not sure how much more bullshit I can survive before the pain of it all kills me.