Page 110 of Whiskey Lies
As he prepares to leave, I whisper-shout after him, “Cash, wait.” He raises his eyes to mine and looks at me expectantly. I practically throw myself toward him, hugging him tightly. “Thank you.”
His soft surprised chuckles shake my body. “Anything for you; now go paint.” He taps me on the ass and pushes me back to the easel. I already know exactly what I want to paint.
Hours pass as I immerse myself within the strokes on the canvas. The colors mix together and the vision unfolds before me—the night before, swaying in Cash’s arms, dancing under the stars, listening to the man I love profess his love for me by sharing a piece of his soul.
This is how I will always remember us. Dancing. It’s become as special to me as it is to him. It’s become “our thing” and I want him to know that just as he sees me, just as he pushes to give me what I need, I’ll do the same for him.
We’re in it together. We’re in this life together.
I feel his gaze on me before I hear him, the hairs on the back of my neck rise, and a hot shiver runs through me, shooting sparks straight to my fingers as I finish off another star. “How’s it going?” he says from his place by the door, not daring to walk in and intrude.
After dropping the paintbrush into the water jug, I spin around and use my finger to summon him. “Come see; it’s not finished yet,” I say quickly, nervous to show him my work.
His eyes light up as he stares at the painting, and he shakes his head in what appears to be genuine pleasure. “Grace…this is just…is that us?”
I nod nervously as I twist my fingers together, watching him stare at the painting.
“God, when you said you painted, I imagined you’d be good because you’re good at everything…but this…I wasn’t prepared…” his voice breaks off and he keeps his eyes intently focused on the painting, as if he’s studying every swipe.
“I’ve still got some blending to do, and I didn’t quite have the right color…” I stop as he puts his fingers to my lips.
“Can I have this? When you’re done, I mean, can I hang it in the penthouse?”
My shoulders relax and I smile against his finger. “Yeah, Cash. It’s yours, baby.”
He beams at me. “Now come here and dance with me again.”
Chapter 41
A few days away with Cash, Tessa, and Carter were relaxing and rejuvenating, but we can’t avoid real life any longer. My meeting with the attorney is scheduled for ten a.m. and my legs are shaking just thinking of facing Marion. I’m not mad at her. Exactly.
I’m lost. Confused. And slightly thankful.
But all of those feelings are mixing together and making me nothing but nervous. Which is ridiculous. The woman practically raised me.
I walk into the office with my head held high and my knees trembling. “Oh my God, Grace! I cannot believe the weekend you had! And that you’re here. Oh my gosh, are you okay?” Rachel stares at me with her hands on her hips, completely gobsmacked.
My confidence wavers. “I’m okay. Thanks for asking.”
“I mean I knew things were rough with you and Steven, but I never thought he would throw you under the bus like that.”
I narrow my eyes. “It’s not true what he said, Rachel. I never had an affair.”
She nods. “Oh, I know. Jonathan Hanson certainly set him straight with his statement. God, he’s good-looking. I know he says you aren’t dating, but you should. Like you really should.”
What statement? I grab my new phone out of my purse and see that I have multiple missed phone calls and text messages. I go to the one from Tessa because I know she will have sent me the article if there is one. Sure enough, the blue link is highlighted in her message.
Jonathan Hanson Sets Record Straight: Grace Kensington is a longtime friend and nothing more.
The article went on to include Jonathan’s direct comment. “Grace Kensington and I have known each other since college. I introduced her to her husband many years ago when I was under the impression that he was a decent human being and friend. That obviously has changed over the years and for that I am terribly sorry to Grace. She has always been an honest woman, a good friend, and most importantly loyal. Grace came to me at a low point in her life when she had found out about her husband’s affair and his interest in a divorce. In friendship, we met for dinner and spent time together. That is the extent of our relationship. The fact that Steven is using my celebrity and Grace’s decency to his advantage is despicable. Grace would never have made this all public, and she likely won’t correct the record because that is not the type of person that she is. But I am. So let me be very clear. Anyone who prints libelous things about my friend and myself will face lawsuits and injunctions. That is all I will say on this topic.”
My mouth hangs open in shock. Marion’s voice interrupts my inability to think. “He did good, huh?”
I look up to find her smirking as she leans against the door.