Page 22 of Whiskey Lies
He seems as surprised to see me as I am annoyed to see him. Couldn’t I have had just a few more minutes to remove myself from this life without having to face him? Seriously!
“Grace, I didn’t expect to see you here. How are you…” He pauses as he dances around the topic. “How are you doing?”
When he meets my eyes, I see that this pains him. I almost feel compassion for him. I’d surprised him. Although, it is our house. And I hadn’t been the one to cheat.
I nod my head. “I’m good. Just picking up some stuff so that I can get through the next few weeks. New client means lots of dinners.”
Steven sighs and looks off toward the kitchen. “Don’t I know it.”
What is that supposed to mean?
My hackles go up. Is he really going to blame this on me and my career? I mean, sure, I was mature enough to look in the mirror and see how I contributed to the demise of our relationship, but he is not going to pin this on me. I narrow my eyes and glare at him.
Steven holds up his hands as if he knows what’s coming. “Forget I said anything. So, the new client—how long do you think this will take?”
Rolling my eyes, I look toward the door. “As soon as the media discovers him, he’ll be the hottest bachelor the city has seen in a long time. Young, head of his family’s business, and looking to settle down. It shouldn’t take long to get a line of women dying to be his wife.” The bitterness drips from my voice. I could have been in that line. I could have been in the front of it.
“Great. So are we thinking another month or what?”
I laugh. It’s not that I find any of this funny, but my husband is asking how long he has to pretend being married to me so that I can set up my would-be boyfriend with his future wife. I mean at least it’s comical. If I don’t laugh about it, I’ll most certainly cry.
The skin between Steven’s eyes pinches together. “What is so funny? You and I can barely have a conversation, and I’d just like to know how long we have to pretend you even like me.”
My eyes go to the ceiling. “Right. Or you just want to know how long until you can move your skank, I mean secretary, into our house. Sorry the S word is difficult for me like the M word was for you.”
Steven looks at me quizzically. “M word?”
I laugh again. “Monogamy. Marriage. Take your pick; either one of them was a problem for you.”
He shifts uncomfortably in the doorway. He still hasn’t moved past the entrance. “Why don’t you stay for a glass of wine and we can talk?”
I give him my best you’ve got to be fucking kidding me look and flit my hand in front of him as if asking him to move. “No thanks. Aside from you letting me know whether you want to buy me out of this house or sell it, we don’t have much to discuss.”
“You don’t want the house?” he asks incredulously.
“No. I figured Candace probably wanted it. I’m sure she’s already picked out new sheets and everything,” I pan dryly.
Steven shifts nervously. “I mean, yes, she’s mentioned it, but I figured you would want the house. I mean you’re the one who picked out the kitchen. It took you hours to pick out those damn faucets. You’re really going to walk away from it all?”
I shake my head. “No, Steven, I am walking away from you. The house is just collateral damage. I have to go.”
As I begin to walk past him, he grabs my arm, holding me close before I can move through the door. “Wait.”
I sigh. “What? What more do you want? You’ve taken my pride, my money, and my time. What more could you possibly want?”
He releases my arm, but his eyes travel slowly up my face, pausing for a moment on my lips, before he licks his own. My skin crawls from the way he looks at me. “Won’t you need me for events? Or dinner with Marion?”
I flick my eyes away from his. “If I need you, I’ll let you know. Goodbye, Steven.” I stroll out of the house and feel a sense of closure. It may not be over, but the first step toward my freedom is underway.
Chapter 8
The decision to meet Cash at a restaurant was both strategic and typical. While most men want to meet in their office, on their turf, and where they feel most powerful, they rarely open up in that space. An office is where they have to keep themselves most put together—the spot where emotions are stifled, where flirting is frowned upon, and relaxation is never found. Whereas, lunch, normally with a drink to loosen them up, always does the trick.
In Cash’s instance, the restaurant is even more important. Aside from the fact that he was angry yesterday, I could also see the waves of stress coming off his body. He is just taking over one of the biggest liquor companies in the world. At thirty years old, this is no small feat, and there are many, maybe even his older siblings, who want him to fail. It certainly begs the question why he was chosen over his older brother. Or even his sister.
I read up on the entire family last night after I unpacked my things. Over a glass of wine, I learned as much as I possibly could about the James family, and there is surprisingly not a lot for the amount of wealth they have.