Page 73 of Whiskey Lies
I bite down on Cash’s shoulder as my orgasm releases, sending waves of pleasure coursing through my body. I barely notice as he slides my panties off and slips them in his pocket. “For the road,” he says with a smile tugging at his lips.
As I struggle to adjust my skirt, I admonish him, “Cash, you can’t take my underwear. I need them.”
He laughs. “Get another pair.” Then without hesitating, he slips the finger he just used to get me off into his mouth and smiles. “Delicious.”
Oh my…I’m not sure what’s more shocking, the fact that he appears to really have enjoyed that or the fact that I’m turned on by his dirtiness.
Cash ignores my shocked expression and continues talking. “Tonight, I’m having you for dinner. My hotel room. I’m not taking no for an answer.”
I try to look put out, but the smile doesn’t leave my face. I push my hair back and cross my ankles, trying to make myself respectable again. “Fine. But tomorrow night you have to take Vanessa out.”
Cash huffs out a laugh. “That’s what you were thinking about while I was getting you off?”
“What can I say; I know how to multitask. Seriously, I’ll handle things on my end. Explain that I’m going through a divorce and make it clear we aren’t dating. Then I’ll be seen out a few times with Hanson, you’ll be with Vanessa, and when the time is right—many months from now—we can give it a go.”
Cash’s jaw clenches and he shakes his head. “There is no way in hell I’m letting you go out with Hanson.”
“First of all, Cash, you aren’t letting me do anything,” I say as I cross my arms. “I’m my own person.”
“For someone who just moaned my name while you came on my finger, you are very bossy,” he says with a smile.
“That’s me, deal with it,” I tease, leaning forward as I look up at him. It’s only now that I realize we haven’t even kissed. Cash seems to realize it too as my eyes dart to his lips.
“I don’t trust him,” he says roughly, his eyes still on my lips.
I press my fingers into his cheek, forcing him to hear me. “Trust me.”
After a few seconds where it seems he’s agonizing over this request, he gives me a singular nod. “I’ll make you a deal.”
I smile, knowing I’ve won this argument. “Okay, name your price.”
“I’ll let you go out with Hanson once this week if you spend the weekend with me.”
My lips turn up at his use of the word let. He likes pushing my buttons. I don’t react though. “I thought you wanted me tonight?” I counter.
“Oh, I’m having you tonight. That’s not up for debate. I’m just asking for more.”
“You really are very needy, Mr. James.”
“Your most needy client?”
I laugh. “Yes, you definitely do demand the most one-on-one attention.”
His eyes drop to my lips, and he presses closer so that I can feel his erection pushing into me. I cup his erection in my hand, groaning as I feel how hard he is, and he chuckles. “I better be the only one getting this kind of attention.”
I bite his lip and pull away, but he’s quicker, moving his arms around my waist and pushing me so my skirt rides all the way up my thighs until he’s flush against my bare lady parts. He possesses my mouth as I grind against him, greedy for another orgasm.
A knock on the door has me shoving him back and sliding off my desk in one fell swoop. Cash wipes his lips with a smirk, then he adjusts himself, chuckles, and buttons his suit jacket before moving to the other side of the desk.
“Just a minute,” I yell to Rachel, sitting down and trying to wipe the insane smile off my face.
Cash winks and walks to the door. “See you for dinner, Gracie. Seven p.m. And don’t you dare go home and change.”
I redden. “But then I won’t have underwear.”
He smiles. “Precisely, I like my dinner hot and bare.”
I tease, “I think you mean rare.”