Page 84 of Whiskey Lies
The intercom beeps, and Rachel’s voice cuts through my thoughts. “Grace, Mr. James is on line one.”
I drop my sandwich, wipe my hands on my napkin, and clean off my mouth as if I’m going to see him, rather than just talk on the phone. “Hey, Whiskey.”
“Angel, how is your day going?”
I stare down at my notes and smile. “Actually pretty well. How ’bout yours?”
Cash groans. “Miserable. Can I take you to lunch?”
“Sorry, I’ve already eaten.”
He groans again. “Fine. I’m canceling my plans tonight and taking you to dinner.”
I laugh. “No, you are not. We’ve spent the last few nights together. Go spend time with your brothers.”
A low growl makes its way through the phone, and I feel my legs clench together. I’m pretty sure having sex regularly makes you hornier because I have never had so much sex and never wanted someone as much as I want this man. “Fine, then tomorrow we are both playing hooky.”
My lips perk up as my libido goes crazy. “Sorry, no can do. I have a new client I’m meeting tomorrow.”
“A male client?” he asks tersely.
“Just another playboy looking to settle down,” I tease.
Cash growls. “He’s not interested in his matchmaker, is he?”
I laugh. “Don’t know…I haven’t met him yet. I’ll keep you posted though.”
Cash sighs and I laugh harder. “I’m just teasing… even if he was interested, I’m taken. Happily, blissfully taken.”
“Damn right you are,” he grumbles. “As fun as this has been, I have to finish up something at work because I’m meeting
Tessa at three.”
“So you can meet up with her but not me?” he whines.
“Oh, Mr. James, are you feeling neglected?”
“You know what happens when you call me that,” he whispers into the phone.
I laugh even as my own mind travels back to his hotel room, and the penthouse, and my desk. I clench my legs together and shake my head. “I really do have to go.”
“Fine. Tomorrow?”
I smile, knowing I’ll likely be seeing him tonight. “I’ll try to squeeze you in after my lunch date.”
Cash groans, and I hang up the phone before he can complain. In my computer screen I see the bright smile splayed across my face. God, that man makes me happy.
“Those pants are fuck-me hot,” Tessa stays, staring me down.
“I’m just happy that they fit, unlike my jeans,” I retort. We spent a pretty penny this afternoon on a whole new wardrobe thanks to my ever-expanding waist and thighs. Although even I had to admit that these black leather pants look better with curves.
Tessa slaps my ass, and I let out a yelp. “Shut it. I love this ass. And more to the point, so does your boyfriend.”
I shrug. She’s not wrong. “You don’t think the top is too much?”
“Grace, it’s a sex club. If anything, you are wearing too many clothes.”
I spin around and shoot daggers in her direction. “It’s a what?”