Page 13 of Forever For You
Chapter 5
End Around – evasive maneuvering causing one person to get what he wants while another person feels railroaded
Isigh as I collapse onto the sofa. I lift my foot to rest it on the coffee table, but it lands harder than I intended, and I end up whimpering when an unexpected flash of pain shoots up my leg. I close my eyes and let my head fall against the back of the sofa.
“I think I’ll sleep here,” I mumble to no one in particular.
Bark Twain jumps onto the sofa next to me and sticks his big chin on my thigh. I scratch behind his ears and his tail thumps. Meowise is not happy with my attention being on her nemesis, the dog, and meows while clawing at my cast while Dale the chipmunk climbs onto my shoulder.
Indiana Bones refuses to be left out of the fun and nudges his way between me and the side of the sofa. He doesn’t care if there’s enough room for his furry butt or not. He nudges and nudges until I’m forced to scoot over for him.
I open my eyes to find my family staring at me, their gazes full of amusement. “Don’t say a word.”
“Put her in a skirt and bowler hat and she’s the spitting image of Mary Poppins,” Ellery says.
“Did you keep her costume from the time she played Mary Poppins in the high school play? I can run home and get it,” Aspen adds.
“Ha! Ha! Very funny.” I scratch my nose with my middle finger.
“No one is going anywhere,” Mom declares before glaring at me. “And don’t think I didn’t see you, young lady.”
Juniper bounds down the stairs and drops a bag on the floor near the door. “Here you go.”
“What are you doing with my bag?”
She rolls her eyes. “Duh. I packed your things.”
“Packed my things? We agreed in the hospital I’d stay here at home with you in this apartment while I convalesce.”
“I don’t think you should stay here with all of Juniper’s animals—”
“Hey,” Juniper cries and cuts Mom off. “There’s nothing wrong with my animals. Look for yourself.” She motions to me. “They’re comforting her.”
Indiana Bones chooses the moment to let out a loud fart. I cover my face while trying not to gag at the foul smell. Meanwhile, Meowise’s attempts to claw my cast off increase until her claws are digging into my leg. Ouch. Such comfort these animals offer.
“Besides,” Mom ignores Juniper to continue, “how are you going to maneuver the stairs with your cast and crutches?”
“One step at a time,” I answer as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
“Your father and I decided,” she begins.
Dad lifts his hands and steps back. “Leave me out of this. I want my baby to be comfortable. If she’s comfortable staying here and sleeping in her own bed, I think she should stay here.”
Mom turns on him. “What part of ‘leave me out of this’ do you not understand? You can’t say leave me out of this and give an opinion afterwards. It’s not how things work.”
“Mom. Dad,” I holler but they ignore me to continue bickering.
“Well, I’m definitely not going home with them. They have loud make-up sex after every argument.”
Dad’s eyes light up and he steps closer to Mom. Great. Now I’m imagining them getting busy. I don’t need to use my imagination much as I’ve barged in on them too many times to count.
“Don’t be such a prude, babycakes,” Aspen says and I, being the mature adult I’m trying to convince everyone I am, stick my tongue out at her.
The door bangs open, and I glance over to find the object of my every desire standing there. What’s he doing here? He knows where I live? How does he know where I live?
“You’re staying with me,” Rowan grumbles, and I shiver as his grumpy voice hits me in all the best spots.
“No, I am not.” Huh. Would you listen to me? My voice didn’t tremble once. Go, Ashlyn!