Page 6 of Forever For You
I clap my hands to gain everyone’s attention. “Can we get back to the matter at hand?”
“I hope the matter at hand is changing the name of the mystery. It’s way too long. Long titles don’t do well.” I growl at Aspen. “What? It’s true.”
“We’re not one of your precious books.”
Aspen is a complete and total book nerd. She owns the bookstore in town, Fall Into A Good Book. The previous owner, Saffron, offered her the business for a song as part of the entire town’s plans to matchmake Aspen and Lyric.
Since Aspen and Lyric are now engaged, the town thinks they’re on a matchmaking roll. I’m not ashamed to admit I’m a bit frightened of what they’ll do once they decide on the man for me. Especially since Rowan isn’t that man. No matter how much I may want him to be.
Thinking about Rowan makes my body light up like it’s the Fourth of July. Little sister, I remind it. He thinks of us as a sibling. My body ignores my reminder the same way it has for the past year since I’ve been home from college. My stomach tingles and my core clenches as I imagine how it would feel to glide my hands over Rowan’s naked skin.
Aspen indicates my face. “I’d recognize the moony-eyed face anywhere. She’s thinking about Rowan.”
I clear my throat and force sexy thoughts of Rowan the football god out of my mind. “I had an idea.”
“Does it involve you and Rowan, a bed, and lots of sweaty sex?” Aspen asks.
I glare at her. “About the mystery.”
“You’re never going to land him in bed if you don’t make the first move,” she says.
I fist my hands before I reach out and pull on her hair or maybe slap her or perhaps shove her out of my house into traffic. Oh wait. There’s no traffic in a carbon neutral town. Bikes and golf carts are our means of transportation. And I know from experience a golf cart doesn’t do too much damage when it plows you over. Don’t ask.
“I told her the same thing,” Juniper squeals and high-fives Aspen.
“What do you want me to do? Show up at his house wearing a raincoat with nothing underneath?”
Aspen shrugs. “It’s a bit cliché, but it works in those romance books all the time.”
Deep breaths, Ashlyn. You can’t kill your sister. No matter how much you might want to wring her neck at the moment. Her fiancé is still the Chief of Police.
“This meeting is now officially adjourned,” I say and stand.
I’ll rummage through the boxes at The Inn on Main by myself. I don’t know why I thought I needed their help.