Page 62 of Forever For You
“I guess her living with a cop won’t be so bad after all,” Juniper whispers-shouts to me.
Personally, I never worried about Aspen being engaged to the Chief of Police. Lyric doesn’t harass me for my little stunts as long as no one gets injured – too badly – and property isn’t destroyed. Otherwise, what’s the harm in a little fun?
Ellery shoves the windowsill up but pauses and shakes her head while backing away. “I’ll go around to the front door and make sure the coast is clear.” She rushes off before anyone can call her a chicken.
Lilac stares after her for a while before finally shrugging her shoulders. “I guess you expect me to jump through the window.”
“I don’t expect anything. I was perfectly happy in the bathroom,” I mutter, but she’s already out the window.
“Long Island Iced Teas,” Juniper sings. “Chicken wings.”
“Add chocolate to the mix and I promise to stop complaining for fifteen minutes.”
“Thirty,” she bargains.
We shake on it before she sweeps her arm toward the window. Yeah. Yeah. I get the hint already.
I dive through it headfirst and roll in the lawn before coming to stop next to Lilac who’s brushing imaginary dust off her suit pants.
“The coast is clear,” Ellery announces as she rushes toward us from the front door.
“Let’s move,” I say and begin marching toward Electric Vibes.
If ever there was an excuse to day drink, being confronted with your roommate’s ex-wife the day after you accidentally slept with said roommate, is it.
A golf cart rolls to a stop next to me. “Hop in,” Mom says.
I don’t hesitate to listen to her since my ankle is already killing me. Standing while having a meet and greet with a bitchy woman will do that to a girl. And, okay, maybe I shouldn’t have dove headfirst out of a window. In my defense, I let my shoulder take the brunt of the fall. It’s not my first time using a window as an escape route after all.
“Where to?” Mom asks once my sisters have piled into the golf cart.
“Do you need to ask?”
“Feather’s Frozen Delights it is,” she says and takes a left turn.
Ice cream? Has she lost her mind? “Please tell me you’re kidding.”
She barks out a laugh. “Of course, I am.” She pats my hand. “My baby wants her Long Island Iced Teas and chicken wings.”
Geez. Am I this predictable?
Mom winks over at me. “A mother knows all.” I hope not all. “All,” she repeats.
My cheeks warm up and I glance away. She doesn’t let me escape, though. Not my mom who thinks sex education should start at the age of six.
“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. You and Rowan are adults. You’re both single and not involved with other people. You’re allowed to enjoy yourselves as long as you’re careful about prophylactics.”
“Whatever you say, Mom,” I mumble to cover up my gasp as I remember how I told Rowan a condom wasn’t necessary last night. And here I thought I couldn’t be a bigger idiot than I already am. And the biggest dunce award goes to …. Me!