Page 74 of Forever For You
He sniffs. “Depends on how you define cheat.”
What’s he getting at? We had a metric ton of issues in our relationship, but infidelity wasn’t one of them.
She snorts. “As if gay men know what cheating means.”
The vibe of the crowd changes from amused to angry in a split second. Winter Falls tolerates many things, but they don’t tolerate judgment. As Mrs. West would say, this is a judgment-free town.
“Who votes to run her out of town?” Sage asks and every single person in the bakery – and the place is packed – raises their hand.
“Where does the chief keep the pitchforks?” Feather asks Sage. As the police dispatcher, Sage would know.
“I don’t need no damn pitchfork.” Forest elbows his way to the front of the crowd. “Your behavior will not be tolerated in Winter Falls. Do you understand?” he asks her.
She assesses him and her nose wrinkles. Admittedly, Forest doesn’t project the best picture with his overgrown hair and unkempt beard. At least he’s wearing pants today. “Who do you think you are?”
“I’m the mayor of Winter Falls,” he announces as if being the mayor is a big deal.
It’s not. We don’t hold elections for mayor in this town. We put the names of the business owners into a hat and pick one. The person picked has to serve for one year, but no one is obliged to serve two consecutive terms.
“I didn’t mean to upset anyone. Bryan and I go way back.”
Bryan snorts behind me. “Frenemies from the start.”
If I had only listened to him when he told me Sandra was trouble. Once again, I’m blaming the being young thing. Young men are idiots. The proof is standing right in front of me.
Forest crosses his arms over his chest and glares down at her. “I think your welcome here has worn out.”
“The mayor doesn’t have authority to run anyone out of town,” Sandra insists.
“Maybe not. But I do,” Lyric says as he enters.
I lift my chin at him in greeting.
“The owner of every establishment in Winter Falls has the right to refuse a customer service. I think the owner has made it clear he’s refusing you service,” he explains as he grasps her arm and starts hauling her away.
She wrenches out of his hold. “Do not touch me. I know when I’m not wanted.”
“You could have fooled me,” Bryan mumbles behind me. I motion for him to be quiet. She’s on her way out the door. I don’t want to give her an excuse to stay.
Sandra lifts her nose in the air and marches away. Unlike with Lyric, the crowd doesn’t part for her. She has to push and shove her way through the mass. When she finally reaches the door, cheers erupt.
She stomps down the sidewalk, but I fear this isn’t the last I’ve seen of her. Sandra never could take no for an answer. As I watch, Ellery moves to follow her.
“Ellery,” I shout to gain her attention.
“Don’t worry. I won’t tell, Ash.” She sweeps her arm out to indicate the people who are already on their phones. “But they will.”
The stupid town Facebook page. Damnit! News already spread like wildfire before the town discovered social media. I never would have thought the gossiping in this town could get worse when I left for college, but it did.