Page 88 of Forever For You
“I’m not a wet blanket. I’m a business owner who spent more money than you will earn in your lifetime renovating the old mansion. I will not allow you to destroy all my hard work.”
“Harsh. You don’t even know how much money I make.”
“Plus, she’s shacked up with a millionaire now,” Juniper points out.
I glare at her. “We’re not shacked up.”
“You appeared awful comfortable on Sunday.” She lifts an eyebrow in an obvious effort to force me to deny it, and I – being the mature adult I am – stick my tongue out at her.
Before we can continue, there’s a knock on the door. “Soleil’s here,” Aspen announces. “We’ll continue this discussion later.”
Or I’ll just find a shovel and dig in the inn’s yard without anyone being the wiser. Either way works for me.
Aspen unlocks the door for Soleil. Soleil’s an artistic jack of all trades. She does pottery and teaches pottery classes, she knits and sells her ‘inventions’ on Esty, and she paints. Tonight, she’s leading our paint and sip evening.
“I’ll help with the wine,” I announce before heading to the checkout counter where Aspen has several bottles laid out, opening the first one, and taking a large gulp straight from the bottle.
“You are so uncouth,” Ellery frowns at me.
I offer her the bottle. “You want some?”
She leans away from me. “No, thanks.”
“Your loss,” I say.
“Don’t hog the bottle.” Juniper snatches the bottle with such a vengeance from me I nearly fall down.
“There are glasses, you know,” Aspen says and hands me one.
The bell over the door rings and Feather, Petal, Sage, Cayenne, and Clove traipse into the bookstore.
Petal scans the room in confusion. “Where’s Rowan?”
“At home,” I tell her. “Where else would he be?” She doesn’t seriously think Rowan would attend an event at the bookstore, does she?
“I assumed he was our model for the evening,” she answers and the other ladies sigh. “If he isn’t going to model, we’ll have to settle for you giving us all the details.”
“Yes, Ashlyn, we want all the details,” Bryan adds as he joins us.
“You must have seen him naked before.”
He licks his lips. “Oh, I have. But I’ve never seen him naked and in action, if you know what I mean.” He waggles his eyebrows and I feel my face – as well as other body parts – warm.
“Girlie,” he says and points to my face, “I have to know what has you sporting the dreamy look.”
He crowds around me with the other ladies, but I hold up my hands. “No way. You know how Rowan is about his privacy.”
Bryan sticks out his bottom lip and pouts. “I do, but I hoped you didn’t.”
Seriously? How could I not know he’s fanatic about his privacy? No one besides me – and I assume, Bryan – even knows how his marriage ended. Everyone assumes Sandra the Gold Digger cheated on him, and Rowan lets them think what they want. He never corrects anyone’s assumptions.
Aspen pushes her way through everyone to stand next to me. “Ladies, we’re here to paint and sip, not gossip.”
Sage laughs. “Sometimes I find it hard to believe you grew up here, Aspen Cloud. It’s almost as if you’ve forgotten the ways of Winter Falls.”
I mouth thank you to Aspen before rushing off to find a place to sit. It’s not hiding when there’s a canvas in front of you.
“Tonight, we’ll be painting an orchid,” Soleil begins before explaining some painting techniques to us.