Page 110 of Just for Forever
Chapter 36
If it wasn’t for the last minute, nothing would get done.
“Idon’t want to go,” I pout.
Aspen shackles my wrist before dragging me down the street. “Too bad. You’re going.”
“Yeah, stinky.” Juniper wrinkles her nose. “You needed to shower and get out of the house.”
“Huh.” Ashlyn grunts. “I didn’t realize you can actually smell considering you live with Bark Twain aka the farty dog.”
“He can’t help it he has digestive issues.”
“Yeah, right. His ‘digestive’ issues have nothing to do with his propensity for eating anything he finds laying around on the floor.”
“I am sometimes confused how I’m related to the rest of you,” Lilac comments.
“Back at ya, sister,” I mutter.
I try freeing my wrist, but Aspen doesn’t let up on her hold. “Sorry, sis, but I can’t trust you to not run back home.”
“What’s wrong with home? I’m a million months pregnant, my feet are swollen to the size of clown shoes, and I need to pee. Again.”
Lilac studies my feet. “Clown shoes are sixteen inches long. Your feet aren’t anywhere near the correct size.”
I stop to stare at her. “How the hell do you know what size clown shoes are? I’m serious. I get you’re a brainiac when it comes to all things science but clown shoes? They have nothing to do with science.”
Her cheeks darken. “My boss asked me to arrange a birthday party for his sister. There were clowns involved. Please, don’t make me repeat the story.”
“You are definitely repeating the story,” Ashlyn declares.
“But not now.” Aspen taps her watch.
“Are we on a time schedule?”
She glances away. “No.”
“You’re a sucky liar.”
“Am not.”
“Are too.”
Lilac claps her hands. “While I’m enjoying this debate immensely, we are on a time schedule.”
“You aren’t supposed to tell her we’re on a time schedule,” Aspen growls.
Lilac shrugs. “You didn’t inform me I’d be lying today.”
“Hold up!” Ashlyn shouts. “I don’t care about the lying. I care about Lilac using sarcasm. Did everyone hear it?”
Juniper’s hand shoots into the air. “I did.”
Ashlyn hugs Lilac. “I’m so proud of you.”
Lilac stands there, stiff as a board, patting Ashlyn’s back. I’d be amused if I weren’t worried about what the heck my sisters are up to. And they’re definitely up to something.
“Come on.” Aspen motions us forward. “We can make Lilac a certificate commemorating her first use of sarcasm later. First, we need to get to—”