Page 16 of Just for Forever
“I don’t think it’s a good idea.”
My mouth gapes open as I stare at him. I didn’t expect him to question me. Most men are happy when you say you don’t want a relationship. Or, at least, I assume they are. I don’t have any actual experience to base my beliefs upon, but I read. And watch television.
Great answer, Ellery. Way to be an adult and go after what you what. But what if what I want is standing in front of me appearing all sexy with his hair mussed up after a night of awesome sex? My core heats and my nipples tingle as I remember his hands all over my body last night. I’m down for a repeat but relationship? Stay strong, Ellery.
“Because why?”
Damn. While I was reliving the memories of last night, he moved until he’s standing in front of me. Close enough I can feel the heat of his body. My hand lifts to touch his chest. He captures it and lays it across his heart.
“What are you afraid of, Ellie?”
“I’m not afraid.”
He leans down and kisses the corner of my lips. “You can tell me,” he whispers against my lips. His breath wafts against my face before he bites down on my earlobe.
I moan. I always did like a bit of teeth and biting with my sexy times. “Tell you what?”
His body shakes with his laughter. Grease sizzles in the pan and he hurries back to the stove to finish making breakfast. Without him in my immediate space, my brain reengages. This is why it’s safer to not be in a relationship. My brain forgets how to work when I’m with a man.
“You’re not leaving yet. Why don’t we see how things go instead of making plans this second?” I suggest because, despite my brave words, the idea of him being in town and not near me would be impossible for me to handle.
“After all, I don’t know you very well. Maybe you’re one of those people who clap when a plane lands.” I do an exaggerated shiver.
His eyes widen. “I wouldn’t dare.”
“Phew.” I run the back of my hand over my brow.
My phone beeps with a message. “Shit,” I swear after skimming it. “I need to get going. Soleil can’t find the coffee filters.”
Cole presses the breakfast sandwich in my hand. “You need to eat.”
The smell of sausage hits me and my stomach rumbles. I bite into the sandwich and moan. What is it about the combination of cheese, egg, and sausage? Whatever it is, it’s yummy.
I push up on my toes. “Thanks for the food,” I say and kiss his cheek before rushing to the front door.
“We’ll talk more tonight. It’s my turn to cook.”
He wants to cook for me? There’s no time to evaluate why the thought makes my heart soar. I wave the sandwich at him. “And I’ll let you.”
I sprint down the stairs and across the parking lot to the backdoor of the inn. I don’t stop running around until the clock strikes six. The inn is fully booked as this weekend is the Lammas festival. Twenty rooms may not seem like much, but when you’re working with a skeleton staff since everyone in town is busy with the festival, twenty feels like a hundred.
I collapse in a chair in the kitchen and kick off my shoes. Bad idea. My feet are swollen. I probably won’t be able to get them back on.
Someone knocks on the door, and I groan. It never ends. Even when everyone’s checked in and had their complimentary beverage and extra towels, it doesn’t end.
I force a smile on my face as the door opens. Cole peeks his head in.
“Hey! There you are,” he declares as he enters and sits next to me.
“I’m glad it’s you. I don’t think I can deal with one more request for a synthetic foam pillow. There’s a limit to the amount of times in a day I can have a conversation about synthetic versus natural materials.”
“Tough day?”
“The worst. My feet are killing me.”