Page 21 of Just for Forever
The phone conversation doesn’t last long. Does no one who works at the inn know where the coffee filters are besides me? When I hang up, I realize I’m at the courthouse where the town keeps a car available for residents who don’t have a vehicle of their own for emergencies. Screw it. I’m declaring my situation an emergency.
As I drive out of town, I glance in my rearview mirror to check I’m not being followed. I sound paranoid. If you’d met the people in Winter Falls, you’d understand. I drive twenty miles past the closest town to another town to make certain I’m not spotted.
I rush into the drug store and practically run to the feminine hygiene aisle. There’s no practically about it. I am running. I don’t bother reading the labels, I grab five various tests and rush to the check-out. By the time I’m back in the car, I’m heaving for breath like I ran a marathon.
I break all the speed limits as I drive back to town until I hit the town border. Then, I slow down. Chief Lyric Alston may be in love with my sister, but it won’t stop him from giving me a speeding ticket.
I park the car in the lot behind city hall. I scan the area, but I don’t notice anyone. I exit the vehicle and stroll away from Main Street. Once I’m out of view of the main drag, I break into a sprint and don’t stop until I’m in my apartment with the door locked behind me.
I lean against the door for a moment to catch my breath. I hope no one saw me. The last thing I need is the entire town thinking I’m pregnant before I’ve had a chance to take a test.
Speaking of tests. I slip off my shoes and march to the bathroom. Time to get this over with. I pee on the stick, set the timer, and then sit on the floor to await the results.
Please be food poisoning. Please be food poisoning. The four words are on repeat for the entire three minutes I wait.
The alarm goes off and I peek at the test. Shit. I’m pregnant.