Page 52 of Just for Forever
“Why do you think we gave the contract for the community center to Cole’s firm?” Clove asks.
Lilac slams her fist down on the table. “Someone doesn’t need a gavel,” Ashlyn mutters.
“I am going to explain this one last time. Davis Williams did not win the contract for the recreational center project because Cole is the father of Ellery’s baby.”
I bury my face in my hands and groan.
Juniper pats my back. “Don’t be upset. I think everyone figured out Cole’s the baby daddy before Ellery announced it to the town.”
“Can we stop saying baby daddy now? I’m not a sixteen-year-old who accidentally got pregnant.”
“But it was an accident you got pregnant, wasn’t it?” Mom asks. “I know I taught you better about how to properly use prophylactics.”
My face warms at the memory of her showing me and my sisters how to roll a condom on a banana. “Thanks, Mom. I don’t think everyone in Winter Falls knew my being pregnant was an accident yet.”
Cayenne laughs. “Naturally, we knew it was an accident. Ellery Promise West plans everything in her life. There’s no way you’d be pregnant on purpose unless you were married.”
Great. She makes me sound like the most boring person in the world. I glance over my shoulder to gauge Cole’s response. He’s sitting on the edge of his seat and eyeing the door. Uh oh.
“Maybe we should stop talking about my condition and continue the meeting now?”
Lilac clears her throat. “I agree.” I blow out a breath in relief upon her words. “We’ll discuss Ellery’s condition at the bar after the meeting.” There goes any relief I was feeling.
“Someone can crown me mayor now.” Ashlyn joins Lilac at the front of the room. “I am ready to serve my people.” She bows.
“This is going to be a blast,” Juniper says before tossing a wad of popcorn in her mouth.
“Blast? I think you mean disaster.”
She shrugs. “Blast? Disaster? It’s all the same when Ashlyn’s involved. Do you think Lyric would arrest the mayor?”
“Where is my husband?” Aspen asks as she searches the room.
“Did you elope without telling anyone?”
Aspen’s shoulders slump. “No. Lyric won’t elope.”
“Then, you’re not married.” I bump her shoulder. “And you don’t want to elope. You want to beat Ashlyn to the alter is all.”
She frowns. “It’s not fair my little sister got engaged a few weeks after me. It’s bad enough you’re having a baby before me.”
I rub my belly. “Not on purpose.”
Cole squeezes my shoulder. “Accident or not. This baby will never be treated as if she’s a mistake.”
“I think you mean he.”
Bang! Bang! Bang! Ashlyn pounds a gavel on the table. I knew she stole Forest’s gavel.
“I now declare myself mayor of Winter Falls. This meeting is adjourned. Let’s party!”
Juniper rubs her hands together. “And so, the fun begins.”
Ashlyn sprints past us, but I stop her. “Hey, baby sister.”
She whirls around. “I think you mean, Madam Mayor.”
I roll my eyes. “Thanks for volunteering.”