Page 56 of Just for Forever
“I never hid from him.”
Ashlyn laughs. “I guess Moon was hallucinating when she found you hiding under your desk.”
Dang. Moon saw? And she told Ashlyn?
“I don’t know if having Moon work at the inn is such a good idea.”
“Ladies!” Lilac shouts. “Can we return to the topic at hand?”
“And the topic is…” I’m not being evasive, I’ve seriously lost the plot.
“Why did you change your mind about Cole?”
I sigh. If I want to sleep tonight, I’m going to have to give them something. “Cole told me about his past and it made me realize I needed to give him a chance to be a father to this baby.”
Ashlyn leans close. “Ooooo… His past. Tell us more.”
“It’s Cole’s story to tell. Ask him if you want to know.”
“But we tell you everything,” she pouts.
I widen my eyes. “Really? You told me why you feel obligated to give Rowan a baby as quick as can be?”
“Rowan values his privacy.”
“And Cole doesn’t? He may not be a former professional football player, but he’s still allowed to keep his life private.”
“It’s interesting how Cole thinks he’s going to keep his background private from his family.” Aspen smirks. “It’s going to be fun to watch him realize how little privacy this family allows.”
“I could do some research,” Lilac offers.
“No! You will not go searching around the dark web to uncover Cole’s every secret.”
“Don’t be silly. I wouldn’t need the dark web for this search.”
“Holy cow,” Ashlyn whispers. “When did Uptight Number Two become cool? The dark web? I’m in the throes of a major girl crush right now.”
Lilac frowns at Ashlyn. “No. Whatever you’re thinking, forget it. I am not using my skills to help you hack into your college alma mater and change all your grades in your transcripts.”
“I have other ideas.”
Juniper snorts. “She’s not going to steal rocket fuel for you either.”
“Definitely not.”
“My sisters are boring,” Ashlyn huffs.
I stand. “This boring sister needs to get some rest now.” I motion toward the door.
“At least we can talk about the baby to everyone now. It was killing me keeping it to myself,” Ashlyn mumbles as she starts for the door.
“You didn’t keep it to yourself. You told Rowan.”
She whirls around. “No, big sister, I did not. Rowan knew before me because Lyric told him.”
Aspen holds up her hands. “Don’t get mad at me. I accept no responsibility or liability for the actions of my husband.”
“Fiancé!” Juniper corrects.