Page 61 of Just for Forever
Chapter 20
If every day is a gift, I’m requesting a receipt for Monday. I want to exchange it for another Friday.
Istomp up the stairs to my parents’ house for our Christmas day celebration. I’m annoyed and more than done with this conversation. The same conversation we’ve been having since my mid-pregnancy ultrasound yesterday.
“I am not arguing about this anymore,” I grumble to Cole as I fling the door open. “I’m carrying this baby, which makes it my decision and I don’t want to know the sex of the baby.”
Someone gasps, and I glance over to discover a middle-aged woman standing in the center of my parent’s living room. “Baby?”
I scan the area for some clue as to who this woman is and watch my sisters scurry out of the room. “Chickens!” I shout at their retreating forms.
“Bwak! Bwak!” Juniper quacks before the kitchen door swings shut behind her.
Cole grasps my hand and leads me to the woman. “Ellery West, I’d like you to meet my mother, Amy Hawkins.”
I nearly stumble on my own feet at his announcement. His mother’s here? No wonder he was perfectly fine staying in Winter Falls for the holidays. Because he planned to ambush me. Did my parents know about this?
I narrow my eyes on Mom, and she smiles and waves. Yep. She knew. And there goes her overnight privileges with her first grandchild. There’s one advantage of bearing the first grandchild. I have blackmail material up the wazoo now.
I clear my throat and hold out my hand. “It’s lovely to meet you, Mrs. Hawkins.”
She ignores my hand to throw her arms around me. “It’s Amy. Formality flew out the window when you announced you’re having my grandchild.”
I lean back to look up at her. Since she’s nearly as tall as Cole, I have to lean way back. “You didn’t know?”
“I was planning on surprising her,” Cole answers on her behalf. “I bought her one of those cute onesies with World’s Greatest Grandma on it.”
Mom grunts. “Don’t worry, Mrs. West. I bought you one, too.” He winks, and I elbow him.
“Suck up.”
The sliding door opens up and Dad, Lyric, and Rowan stroll inside. Dad surveys the area before sighing. “Is there a reason four of my daughters are hiding in the kitchen?”
“Not hiding, eavesdropping,” Lilac clarifies because she only lies if you give her advance warning in writing – in triplicate.
“They’re eavesdropping,” Ashlyn shouts through the door. “I’m taste testing.”
Mom growls before marching away. “Ashlyn Dream West, you better not be eating the turkey.”
“Hansley,” Rowan mutters under his breath causing Mom to come to a screeching halt.
Her nostrils flare as she glares up at him. Mama Bear has entered the building. Rowan is mega tall at six-feet-five while Mom is more than a foot shorter, but he still cowers under her glare. “What did you say?”
Ashlyn rushes out of the kitchen, a turkey drumstick in her hand with the rest of my sisters following her. “It’s not Hansley yet. Promise.”
Mom purses her lips. “You’re lying.”
“No, I’m not,” she claims before hiding behind Rowan proving she’s lying.
“When did you get married?” Mom demands to know.
“And where did you get married? And why wasn’t I there? I wanted to escort my baby girl down the aisle.” Dad frowns with disappointment.
“Daddy.” Ashlyn rushes him and throws her arms around him. “I’m sorry. I thought since you had five daughters, you wouldn’t mind missing out on one wedding. You hate Vegas anyway. Plus, I didn’t want to steal the show from Aspen and Lyric.”
Aspen wags her finger at Ashlyn. “Oh no, you don’t. Don’t throw me under the school bus and pretend it’s my fault you eloped.”
“Who’s not surprised Ashlyn eloped?” Juniper asks as she raises her hand.