Page 68 of Just for Forever
I waggle my brows. “I wasn’t a pain in your ass, but I can be if you want me to.”
She slaps my shoulder. “I’m going to shower and get dressed. I’ll see you later.”
She doesn’t seriously think she’s getting rid of me, does she? I let her escape into the bathroom without contradicting her. She’ll figure out soon enough that I won’t be as easily pushed away anymore.
I freshen up in her half-bath off of the living room before I begin working on her breakfast. I plan to surprise my girl with Rowan’s famous red velvet pancakes. The pancakes are apparently how he wooed Ashlyn, although from what I’ve heard, she didn’t need much wooing.
I’m plating the pancakes when I hear a gasp behind me. I tuck my smile away before turning around.
“What are you doing? Why are you still here?”
Ellery is dressed in her typical work clothes of black slacks and white blouse. She’s ready to work another long day. It doesn’t matter how today is a holiday or how she never takes a day off despite being pregnant.
I know I can’t convince her to not work today. She successfully avoided my attempt at getting her to go into work later without blinking an eye. I can recognize a lost cause when I come across one. But I will force her to sit down and have a nice breakfast before she begins.
“Breakfast is served.” I nod to the kitchen table I’ve set. “Have a seat.” She doesn’t move. She’s probably contemplating how to kick me out without getting her white blouse dirty. She can try. I’m not leaving.
I lift the plate of pancakes. “Or do you want these to get cold?”
She inches closer. “What are these?”
I smirk. “Only Rowan’s red velvet pancakes.”
Her eyes widen. “Rowan was here?”
“No, silly. I made them.”
“Rowan gave you his red velvet pancake recipe? I don’t believe you.”
“What? Is it a closely guarded secret?” I ask despite knowing it is. Rowan described in extremely graphic detail what he’d do to me if the recipe became public knowledge. I have no plans to tell anyone the recipe. I like the skin on my balls where it is.
I set the plate of pancakes on the table before guiding a shocked Ellie to the table. “Do you want your one cup of coffee now or later?”
“My one cup of coffee?”
“You can’t have too much caffeine when you’re pregnant.”
She frowns. “I’ll have milk, please.”
I pour her a glass of milk before joining her at the table. There isn’t much room, and my legs press against hers.
Ellery bites into her pancake and her eyes shut before she groans. “Now I know why Rowan refuses to give the recipe away.”
I’m not usually the jealous type, but hearing my girl say another man’s name while she groans pisses me off. “I’m the one who slaved over the oven to make the pancakes.”
She pats my hand. “Of course, you did.”
My jealousy vanishes at her mothering me. “You’re going to be a great mother.”
Her nose wrinkles. “I don’t know. I have no idea what I’m doing.”
“Said by every parent in the world at least a thousand times a day.”
“And I work all the time. How can I be a good parent when I’ll never see my child?”
“You have plenty of support around you. I know your mom is eager to babysit.”
She snorts. “And spoil the child.”