Page 6 of The Songs of Fate (War of Fate)
My fear amplified the crackles of light from my limbs. The light felt good, despite the pain raging down my leg. The light soaring from inside me dared me to be reckless, to be ruthless. I had never been either before, but I chose to accept the urging from the pulses of light.
I lunged, throwing myself toward its chest, rolling over the creature, dragging it with me. Careening over a boulder, we tumbled toward the precipice of the cliff.
I sank my nails into the earth, embedding them into the dried dirt as I shoved my legs into its torso with a rapid thrust. The creature disappeared below.
It was gone and with it the shrieks of fury.
Scraping my forearms and palms on the final edges of the cliff, I stilled my body. Oh, God, that worked… Oh, God, I’m at the very edge of the cliff!
The fire in my leg seeped into my veins, burning through the rest of my flesh. It scorched the surrounding muscle, like a black venom seeping into my pores. I’d never felt pain like this.
The light within me bubbled forth, even stronger. It wanted to take away the dark poison.
I inched myself away from the ledge on my stomach, trembling so furiously my teeth audibly chattered. My fingertips groped for the shrubs lining the mountain wall. I clenched them in my fists and gasped for a breath of clean air. My chest rose and fell so rapidly, I started choking on the dust. Tears streaked down my cheeks. I clung to the earth, flattening my body tightly into the crevice behind my back.
The light was so thrilling, and merciless. It bounded down my leg, seeking to erase the pain.
Gravel crunched under boots to my right.
Oh, no, please, not another one. I can’t move my legs. I can’t breathe.
I curled into myself, getting closer to the boulder at my back. I couldn’tmove any further away from the precipice.
“Is someone over there?” a male voice boomed from further up the path.
A human man?
Frick, not now!
I closed my eyes and parted my lips. A small wheeze escaped my chest.
Please don’t see me. Keep walking. I’m begging you. Go away.
I couldn’t have anyone see me like this. The light. Oh no. He couldn’t see this. No one could see this.
“Shit,” a muffled male voice sounded from above me.
I opened my eyes. The mountain in the distance seemed further away now. The edge, however, appeared even closer. I pulled my knees tighter into my chest and watched a stream of blood flow down my torn pants onto the dirt. The pain was so overwhelming, but I needed to hide the light.
I clamped on it, and shoved it down. Like I had done for years, I pushed it back, deep within me.
My eyes followed the trail of smeared blood snaking over the boulder I had flung myself on to. It’s not that bad. I’m okay.
Shaking my head, I closed my eyes again.
A soft thud vibrated the ground in front of me. I shot my eyes open, clenching tighter into the plants at my back.
Dark olive pants encased in large tan boots landed a foot directly in front of my face, inches from my nose.
“What the hell happened here?” the voice growled as it came closer. The enormously tall, broad-shouldered figure bent down, putting his massive sweat-soaked shirt and tan arms in front of my face.
My eyes followed the voice, peering up at two vibrant green eyes.
Holy crap. He seemed very human. Actually, the most gorgeous human I’d ever seen and he’d almost landed in my lap… and he was about to see my crazy. You were attacked by a creature, and then the light inside sprang forth.
Hide the crazy!
His green eyes met mine and then dipped lower, past my shredded shirt to my legs, tucked tightly against my chest.