Page 13 of Something Blue
Chapter Eight
It's hard for me to sit through the dinner with Charlie and not let these people know how I feel about her. I'm not real happy that she took the ring off and put it in her pocket but I made a promise to her and I plan to stick to it - for her. It gets even worse when one of her sisters, the model, is proposed to. The entire time ‘The Suit’ as I like to call him, was talking and proposing I couldn't take my eyes off of Charlie.
This might be the first time I've met her family - formerly anyway since I've met them all on and off in town - but all I want to do is tell them they are about to be even closer to me because I'm about to be part of their family. But I hold my tongue and bide my time.
It doesn't take me long to realize something is up when I see Charlie leave with Willa and follow their sister to the back. I stand and follow too. If Charlie needs anything I want to be close by. It turns out to be a good thing because Charlie comes running down a hall with a look of worry on her face.
"What's going on? What happened?"
"I need Reef. It's Teddy."
"I'll get him." I turn her around and send her back the way she came as I go out the door to our table. The man must be able to feel that something is off too because I don't have to go all the way before he is standing and coming over to me. We don't say a word. I turn and he follows me. He slips in and Charlie comes out and straight into my arms.
I offer her comfort but prepare just in case I have to beat the hell out of someone for making one of her sisters cry. Payton is standing close to the door with her ear pressed to it. She turns and motions Charlie over so that both of them are leaning against it now. Willa too.
Right before I can tell them I don't think it's such a good idea for all three of them to be leaning on the door, one of them leans too hard on the knob, and all three fall in the floor. One of her smaller sisters is hanging from the guy's arms and I can tell I'm not going to have to kick anyone's ass tonight.
All of the women start talking at once and before I know it, Charlie is looking over at me and pulling the ring I put on her finger out of her pocket. She slips it on her finger and holds her hand up for her sisters to see. Apparently, in the blink of an eye, the sisters have all decided that they are going to get married together.
"Can I do it with you too?"
All three sisters gasp at the ring and Willa comes over and takes her hand to take a better look at the ring.
"Turns out I like bad boys." She looks over at me and I smile at the sparkle she has in her eyes now. I did that. I put that there. "Sebastian asked me to marry him and...I said yes."
They all grab each other and hug as another sister sneaks into the room and it turns out she's got a ring too. They all talk at once and there is no small amount of chaos but I overhear Charlie tell Willa about this afternoon.
"I woke up and it was just on my finger. He's barely let me take it off since but I didn't want to take Payton's spotlight from her."
"Are you kidding me? This is so much better than just me walking down the aisle in a church." The girls have decided to move the wedding outside and to a cliff that apparently has a legend attached to it.
Later when I ask Charlie about it, she tells me that a long time ago, a man owned this island - one man. And he agreed to marry the daughter of a local well-to-do family. They married on the cliff overlooking the ocean but there was a secret the man's bride was hiding from him. She wasn't the oldest daughter of the wealthy man but her sister. Somehow after a whole lot of confusion and misunderstandings, the two fall in love with one another. The man loved her so much that he sent for her sister so she would be close by and that is how this island got its name and how it all got started.
Once she told me the story I was totally down with marrying on the cliff. I'm all about getting good vibes from the past - or hell, for that matter good vibes from anywhere are a plus in my book. That night I dream about the legend but in the woman's place is Charlie and I'm the man. It makes me wake up with a smile on my face and a craving for my sweet redhead.
We don't see each other very much throughout the day. She's off with her sisters finding wedding dresses and getting ready for tomorrow's big ceremony. Personally, we could be married in sacks and I would think we've had the most beautiful wedding ever.
I give her the morning and half the afternoon before I break and can't take it anymore. I wait until she steps out of the flower shop before I sneak up behind her and wrap my arms around her. I place my hand over her mouth and pull her into a narrow alley between two buildings. I push her back against the wall. She struggles against me at first but then calms down.
"You better have stopped fighting because you realized it was me, babydoll, or I'm never going to let you out of my sight again."
She giggles. "I recognized your scent."
I bury my face in her hair at her neck and take in her scent. "I need you, babydoll."
"Oh, I like hearing that." Her arms come up to wrap around my neck.
"I understand you need time to make this wedding work, and I want you to have the day of your dreams, but I also need you." There is no way I am taking her in an alley.
"I think they can handle the rest of this from here. They're my sisters, they understand what I like and what I would pick if I were with them." I look up with hope in my eyes. "Why don't you whisk me away to somewhere we can be naked together."
She leans into me and rubs against me all while pulling me down so she can whisper in my ear. "I need you too."
She doesn't have to ask me twice. I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder. My bike isn't far down the street. While she is fixing her helmet I yell at Reef. He's a good guy and I like him. I've spent time with all of the men who plan to be with the James sisters to make sure Charlie won't have to worry about any of them.