Page 3 of Something Blue
Chapter Three
"How, um, do you know so much about me and my sisters?" Well, I'm fucking busted!
"Dirk and Ford talk about you all." Yeah, that doesn’t sound like I’ll send her running from me for being creepy. "Sometimes Payton comes by to see Ford."
"You hang out at the station?"
Is she asking because of my past? Does she know about what I've done? Where I've been? "It's close by to my shop."
She gives me a slow nod, "Right, everything is pretty much close by on this island." She gives me a little chuckle that melts my heart a little.
"Right, I guess I hang out there because Dirk is a good friend and it's better to hang out there than at my shop. They have air conditioning."
She gives me another smile before looking back at the dance floor. Does she want to dance? Should I ask her? Should I start small and work my way up to asking her to dance with me? "So, you want that drink?"
"I don'," she's cautious around me. Maybe too cautious.
"You know about my past?" Just put it out there so she can tell me to get lost before this goes any further. "That I was incarcerated?"
"Oh, yes but...," a light blush flushes across her cheeks, "I just...," She leans closer to me and looks everywhere but at me. I find myself holding my breath waiting on her reason for not accepting my offer of just a drink. "Um, I'm not sure how much is going to be too much for me. I don't drink and I'm the responsible one so the last thing I want is to get lit and wake up with some stranger the next morning wondering what happened the night before."
Her explanation makes my heart lurch, it’s not my past. At least she is telling me it isn't. "So, you don't trust yourself?"
She looks stunned that I put it that way but gives me a self-deprecating smile before nodding at me.
"It's not a bad thing to be cautious you know."
"It makes me boring. I'm the boring sister. Not that you needed all of that when you just sat down to wait for your friend to come back. Sorry." She looks away from me and kind of squirms around in her seat.
"Don't be sorry. And you're not boring. It's cautious." I let the word I use linger between us. "But you know...," I trail off and wait for her to turn her eyes back to mine. They are a striking forest green with little shoots of brown sparking off throughout. I've never seen such a deep color.
She turns her head to me, "You don't always have to be the person in control. This place is full of people who will take care of you if you want to let go."
"You yourself mentioned that my sisters are all...occupied with other things right now."
"I'm still here. I could keep you safe and let you find out how far you could go. The Sheriff even trusts me, so you know I'm not going to fuck you over."
"So because the Sheriff trusts you, I should just let loose and drink myself stupid?"
"No. I didn't say that." She's a little bit of a smart ass and I like it. "You should let me buy you a drink - one. And enjoy it without the worry that everything around you will go all to hell because you might not be in control anymore."
She gives me a long look, staring deep into my eyes before she curls her lips under her teeth and gives me a slight nod. "Okay. Just one."
I make my way over to the table after getting our drinks from the bar as some of Charlie's sisters comes back to the table. I can almost feel the tension at the table as Charlie looks from her sister Teddy to this new guy...holy fuck, now I'm talking like everyone else who lives here.
I can almost spot the big sister claws coming out to protect her sister. "She's very innocent and doesn't need to be toyed with."
She takes a big pull of the drink I got her without really paying attention to the fact she did it. I think she's just reaching for liquid courage just in case she has to face off with this guy. My own protective instincts come out. She shouldn't have to defend her siblings, that should be something someone does for her because he realizes she is someone who would be worth getting in a fight for.
I lean in close so that I can whisper to Charlie, "Want me to do something about this guy?"
She turns and I swear I'm a breath away from kissing the shit out of her. God damn, does she have the sexiest little pout I have ever seen, and every one of those years I spent behind bars and the years afterward come rushing at my dick reminding me we've not had action in almost ten fucking years.
"," I'm not sure how long we stay just like that, staring at one another like both of us want to devour the other but don't. "I think...I should...,"